A soap opera actress named Nancy Lee Grahn came for Viola Davis & the internet reacted. Grahn has now apologized. [Buzzfeed]
John Oliver rocked my world last night at the Emmys when he went on an anti-Alex Trebek rant. I love him, you guys. [Pajiba]
Patti LaBelle will shut you down properly. [Dlisted]
Taraji P. Henson did not want Terrence Howard’s kiss. [LaineyGossip]
Stephen Colbert is getting into the lifestyle brand business. [OMG Blog]
Social media photos from the Emmys. [Wonderwall]
Emily Ratajkowski wears glasses. Who knew? [Moe Jackson]
The royal round-up, including a photo of Queen Letizia! [Go Fug Yourself]
Were you wondering why some celebs wore green ribbons? [Starcasm]
Ted Nugent is still saying words about President Obama. [Uproxx]
Kourtney Kardashian’s son Mason is getting so big. [I’m Not Obsessed]
LeBron James has a great Instagram. [A Socialite Life]
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