
Alejandro Gonzalez Iñárritu is a groundbreaking Mexican director who, I believe, lives for the most part in America now. He was the first-ever Mexican director to even get nominated for the Best Director Oscar, and he won back-to-back Best Director Oscars in 2015 and 2016, not to mention back-to-back Oscars for Best Picture (as a producer) and another Oscar for the Birdman screenplay. He is acclaimed, respected and admired, and he’s seen by many as a creative ambassador from Mexico, helping to speak about the cross-culture between the US and Mexico. Inarritu also has some thoughts about Donald Trump, obviously. Because despite what that Latinos for Trump douche would have us believe, Trump really only appeals to white dudes.

Anyway, Donald Trump went to Mexico last week. It was a last-minute thing, and it was basically Trump deciding to call the bluff of Mexican president Pena Nieto, who invited both candidates to Mexico to speak about our two countries’ relationship. According to Trump supporters, Trump’s visit was great and he looked presidential. According to everybody else, the visit and the aftermath was shambolic, undignified and horrible. So, Inarritu decided to use his position to write an open letter to President Nieto in El Pais – you can read the full piece here in Spanish, and here are some highlights:

Alejandro Gonzalez Iñárritu expressed his shock and disappointment in Mexico’s president for allowing presidential candidate Donald Trump to visit the country last week. In a scathing op-ed written for the Spanish newspaper El País, the Oscar-winning director shared his thoughts about the controversial visit.

In the op-ed, Iñárritu said the invitation from President Enrique Peña Nieto “is to endorse and validate someone who for more than a year insulted, spat upon and threatened us before the whole world,” adding that it only promoted “the political campaign of hatred towards [the Mexican people] towards half of humanity, and to the most vulnerable minorities on the planet.”

He went on to write that the visit was a history-making moment, which made it all the more insulting.

“Trump has had the [unprecedented honor of] being the first American candidate to visit our country, forever tainting the memory and history of our nation,” he wrote.

“Trump should have long ago been named by our government ‘persona non grata’ for exalting hatred and division in the country, and distorting this reality without any compassion,” he wrote. “After this event and as a Mexican citizen, Enrique Peña Nieto does not represent me and … is not worthy of representing any country.”

He also took the time to criticize Trump’s derogatory statements about Mexican people living in the United States.

“I have never in my life seen a Mexican begging on a street in the United States,” he wrote. “They work hard and honestly, contributing indispensably and benefiting the economy of both countries. But by mutual convenience, they remain a community of 11 million invisibles.”

[From People]

While I understand it, it bothers me to see the backlash aimed at President Nieto. Nieto got played by an idiotic Cheeto, but I don’t doubt that Nieto’s heart was in the right place. Nieto’s numbers were lower than Trump’s even before Trump’s visit, and now they’re bottoming out completely. Like, Mexicans might even loathe their own president more than Senor Cheeto now. No bueno. But I appreciate that Inarritu is speaking his mind.

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