Here are some photos of Alice Eve at a promotional event in London earlier this week. She looks very English country lady here, right? Except for the red lipstick. Anyway, I haven’t really paid much attention to her since earlier this year, when she came out and made some really offensive and transphobic comments about then-Bruce Jenner. It was right after Jenner had done the big Diane Sawyer interview (and before Jenner came out as Caitlyn) and Alice decided to make a “feminist” critique about Jenner “playing at being a woman” and how Jenner will never understand what it’s like to be a “real woman” because something something wage inequality. The point that I made – and I will still make any day of the week – is that these issues are not either/or. You can be a passionate advocate for wage equality AND support transgender rights AND support Black Lives Matter, and on and on. Anyway, Alice Eve has said more words about wage equality and feminism.
While Oscar-winner Whoopi Goldberg insists the term ‘actress’ is limiting for women, Star Trek heroine Alice Eve disagrees.
‘It’s not sexist to use the term ‘actress’ for a woman,’ Alice tells me. ‘I’m a woman and I’m an actress and I’m proud of both.’
Eve, 33, supports Dame Helen Mirren and Emma Thompson’s fight for equality in the movie world, but she is concerned that men don’t end up suffering from the feminist crusade.
‘I’m passionate about gender equality in the film industry,’ says Eve, who was talking at the Embassy Gardens by Eco World-Ballymore art launch. ‘I think when anyone is asked if they’re a feminist, it’s natural that any woman is in defence of her sex. It can be dangerous when it becomes anti-male. I am not massively in support of attacking men, because I think we’ve moved so much into a place where we objectify them as well. For me, the struggle is really the pay gap — that’s a reality that women in every profession are subjected to and that’s not OK.’
[From The Daily Mail]
Let’s call this The New Meryl Streep Feminism, where your feminism is so tenuous that you can barely self-identify as a feminist, lest anyone think you hate men. This new brand of feminism is all about publicly declaring that you are not “anti-male” or in favor of “attacking men,” because it’s 2015 and apparently we need to still say those things out loud. And apparently the feminist misandry has gotten so bad that poor, disenfranchised men are being objectified the same way as women! Won’t anyone think about the poor men?
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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