
Alicia Keys was on The Today Show on Friday to perform and to promote her upcoming album, which is coming out later this year on Tidal and RCA records. She’s also on NBC show The Voice as a judge/coach along with Miley Cyrus, Adam Levin and Blake Shelton. On The Today Show, Alicia said a lot of things about feeling good about where she is in life, and about the fact that she hasn’t been wearing makeup lately. This has been her cause celebre, particularly after she was seen at the VMAs without makeup. Alicia has made it clear that she’s not anti-makeup and that she personally just feels like going without it. It sounds like she’s really thought about this and like she wants to spread awareness that it’s ok to do your own thing, whatever that is.

You have been doing so much. What’s your process?
This album is really so much about life… it’s me being my most truthful, my most call it as it is, my most like honest. It is such powerful music. Your are going to go crazy.

When you look at the person you are today vs. 15 years ago what’s the biggest difference?
Probably just my knowing of myself and the ability to really be comfortable exactly as I am. It’s hard to get to that place. That’s something we kind of battle with through our whole lives. I’m loving it. I’m feeling centered and I’m feeling powerful. I’m feeling clear.

You look gorgeous [without makeup]. How does it feel inside?
Really empowering. Really freeing. The thing is, it really came from because we put so many limitations on ourselves, on each other. Society puts limitations on it. In a lot of ways I’m sick of it. I’m over it to be honest. That’s a lot of what the music is about. It’s about being our own unique selves. We each have something that no one else has. It would be so amazing to just embrace each other how we are.

[From Video on The Today Show]

After that Matt Lauer said that he could relate because when he cut his hair off he didn’t have to worry about covering the bald spot. Alicia said she knew what he meant. She added “you do what feels good for you as opposed to what you think people.” She also said “I love makeup. I love my lipgloss, I love my blush, I love my eyeliner… At the same time, I don’t want to feel beholden to have to do it. All of us should just be honest to ourselves.

She’s not wrong and I appreciate that she’s saying these things but I am having a hard time getting over everything I know about her. Also, this is coming from a woman with the most gorgeous skin and naturally dark eyelashes. At least she’s not challenging others to do the same, she’s being very clear that this is her choice.

Later on, Alicia took off Today Show anchor Tamran Hall’s makeup with a cloth but it was Tamran’s idea. Alicia emphasized this wasn’t about makeup, it was about being yourself. She also said that she took the extra time in the morning to sleep, which I can get behind.

Here’s the video of Alicia’s interview and you can see her performance and more on The Today Show’s site:

Gorgeous ladies! #AliciaKeysTODAY

— TODAY (@TODAYshow) September 2, 2016


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