Seeing Alicia Vikander in custom Louis Vuitton is, at this point, nothing new. I personally don’t think she’s the best fit with the brand, but LV has been trying to create some different and personalized looks for Vikander in the past few months, to mixed results. This LV gown which Vikander wore to last night’s BAFTAs was one of the best I’ve seen on her, and even then… I’m not completely in love with it. My first thought was actually “this would have looked amazing and appropriate on Rooney Mara.” The fabric is leather and the metal detailing is extraordinary… look at how it “expands” further down the gown, almost like a grouping of needles. It’s one of those gowns where I wonder how she sits down.
Something else bothering me: Michael Fassbender once again refused to walk the BAFTAs red carpet with Alicia. The jig is up, we all know they’re together and we don’t care if they want to hold hands as they do the BAFTA carpet. But instead, Fassy acted like his “date” was Kate Winslet. Fassy and Winslet posed together on the carpet while Alicia posed solo the whole time. I’m pissed off at Fassy on Vikander’s behalf! That sh-t’s just rude. Now, Alicia and Michael did sit beside each other inside the event (when they both lost), and Stephen Fry even gave them a moment to act coupled-up in front of the cameras, but the result was super-awkward, apparently. Fry did this “Kiss Cam” bit (since the BAFTAs fell on Valentine’s Day), and when Fassbender and Vikander were put on the Kiss Cam, he refused to participate. The whole thing was so awkward that it got cut from the BBC One (and BBC America) broadcast. What’s funny is that everyone else played along – even Leo DiCaprio gave Maggie Smith a big smooch!
As for Winslet’s dress, it’s Antonio Berardi and it’s kind of meh. I like that her hair is fluffy and down (she tends to veer too “severe” on red carpets), but the look as a whole is boringly efficient. Oh, and Winslet beat Vikander for Best Supporting Actress too.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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