Here’s me on a plane waiting for another bitch ass flight attendant to try me. #AzealiaBanks #Brokewithexpensivetaste
Azealia Banks is such an unpleasant mess, which is the only way I can describe her, other than “self-defeating.” She’s an insanely talented rapper, yes, but she disses everyone and cannot stand American culture. Banks regularly tweets awfully mean things from her Twitter account, and no one is immune from her wrath, especially those who commit the ultimate sin of being “basic.“ She’s full of hatred for men, women, and maybe puppies too. I’m kidding about that last part, but you never know.
Banks posted this photo ^^^^ of herself on an airplane yesterday. She did so in the wake of video footage that showed her going ballistic on a flight attendant after calling someone a “f***ing f***ot.” TMZ has NSFW video footage available here. They say Banks freaked out at a French couple because they were blocking her from exiting the airplane. The couple was retrieving their luggage from an overhead bin. Banks spit at the man before punching him in the face. (What the…?) Then a flight attendant approached, grabbed Banks’ luggage, and tried to diffuse the situation. Banks, of course, yanked back, and then someone picked up their iPhone to record Banks yelling double-f-words.
Surprisingly, the French couple told police they didn’t want to press criminal charges, although Banks deserved some sort of penalty. Here’s how Banks explained herself on Twitter:
Cause yall KNOW, that they would’ve politely handed a white woman her bags and a spritzer. #whatever
I am bisexual. my brother is trans. My employees are all gay men. . Nothing else to say.
Of course, Banks then added, “Now you all can sit here in your fake outrage and discuss this amongst yourselves !! I’m headed to the beauty parlor! SIYONARA MOTHERF***ERS.” She’s showing no remorse, which is exactly what people have come to expect from Azealia Banks. She loves to sling verbal assaults at people, and now she’s progressed to physical ones as well. Girlfriend needs some intervention.
Here’s a blurry photo of Banks in action on the Delta plane.
Azealia Banks got into an altercation on a flight, and it was caught on video:
— Pigeons & Planes (@PigsAndPlans) September 22, 2015
Photos courtesy of Azealia Banks/Pigeons & Planes on Twitter & WENN
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