Jennifer Lopez visits a studio in Long Island

Here are some photos of Alex Rodriguez & Jennifer Lopez out and about in New York all of this week. They stepped out a few times together, but mostly they’ve been doing separate pap strolls. Jennifer has been showing off her assorted Birkin bags too, which of course I love, even though I know Birkins are now sort of “over” because they’re used by Real Housewives and Kardashians. I also adore A-Rod’s man-bag in that photo too – I would love that as an overnight bag, but I bet it costs $50K.

Even though J-Rod hasn’t done a million “engagement pap stroll” photos in New York, I still believe in them. I believe that they’re going to make it down the aisle and that they’re somewhat well-suited for each other. Guess who else believes that? Barack Obama!! Barry O sent J-Rod a handwritten letter congratulating them on their engagement, and A-Rod posted it on social media:

This means the world to us.

— Alex Rodriguez (@AROD) March 22, 2019

It’s been a while since I’ve seen Obama’s handwriting and GOD I MISSED IT. I also didn’t realize that Obama and A-Rod were friends? Jennifer knows the Obamas, and she was politically active (as a donor/fundraiser/Latina activist) during the Obama administration too. But A-Rod? Hm. As for whether it’s inappropriate to post a private message from the former president… I mean, I would brag about it too. If Barry O sent me a handwritten letter, I would post that sh-t all over social media too.

Alex Rodriguez is out in NYC making power moves in pinstriped suit!

Jennifer Lopez shopping with her daughter in Manhattan

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.
Andrew Gillum Campaigns with Former US President Barack Obama
Newly Engaged Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez step out to the Polo Bar to enjoy a late night dinner in NYC
Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez head to the Polo Bar for dinner
Alex Rodriguez is out in NYC making power moves in pinstriped suit!
Jennifer Lopez shopping with her daughter in Manhattan
Jennifer Lopez visits a studio in Long Island