Ben Affleck Takes Daughter To Church

Last week we saw a freshly-shaven Ben Affleck looking baby-faced and a little carb-faced without his beard. Pics are here. Yesterday Affleck was spotted going to church with his older daughter, Violet, with a little scruff and looking in Batman shape. Two weeks ago Ben went to church with Jennifer Garner and all of their kids but this week she either begged off or is out of town.

How does Ben lose weight so quickly? He must stick to his diet and bust his butt at the gym. Seeing Ben go up and down in weight seemingly on a weekly basis makes me think he’s boozing and then cutting it out. I’m convinced that’s what’s going on with him.He looks great now and the difference is notable. To me he still looks better with a beard but he’s improving. I like a guy with some facial hair.

There are some new insider quotes about Ben which seem to have originated in Grazia magazine. They claim Ben was eating a lot of junk food and relying on his mom to help him through the emotional pain of his split. Here’s the quote:

“Ben’s mum Christine is in full control of everything right now as he picks up the pieces from his broken marriage. Chris’ boys, Casey and Ben, have always been the apple of her eye, ever since her husband left her. Ben’s always been close to his mum, but he seems to have taken it to a whole new level since the split.”

“Ben’s in a pretty bad way. He’s not really taking care of himself, he’s not shaving, hardly washing and eating a lot of junk food and his mum can’t bear to see him like this. She convinced him to stay in their family home so she could nurse him back to health. Now she’s really pushing for him to move in full-time once he starts filming.”

[From Grazia via International Times]

Those quotes seem to be based on the paparazzi photos of Ben and unlike a lot of other quotes we’ve heard lately they seem fake. I doubt Ben was hurting that badly. However, this does ring true for how he was looking at the time. Plus legitimate quotes a few weeks ago mentioned that Ben was “leaning” on his mom. It seems like Ben took control of whatever was going on with him and is back in fighting shape. He’s a Homer Simpson-esque superhero in that his weight seems to go up and down overnight.

On 10-11-15:
Ben Affleck Visits The Farmer's Market With His Kids

Ben Affleck Takes Daughter To Church

Ben Affleck Takes Daughter To Church
Ben Affleck Takes Daughter To Church
Ben Affleck Takes Daughter To Church
Ben Affleck Takes Daughter To Church
Ben Affleck Takes Daughter To Church
Ben Affleck Takes Daughter To Church
Ben Affleck Visits The Farmer's Market With His Kids

Photo credit: FameFlynet