Welp, I was wrong. I was wrong to give Blake Shelton the benefit of the doubt and I was wrong to believe that Blake was not a rampant racist, sexist and homophobe five years ago. My bad. As I discussed yesterday, people were suddenly talking about some tweets that Blake Shelton made back in 2010 and 2011. I thought there was a solid possibility that the tweets (which are no longer on Blake’s account) were mocked up by some Blake-hater and merely attributed to Blake. I even pointed out yesterday that Blake hadn’t said anything about the tweets, which might mean that they were faked. But no. He really tweeted that sh-t. And now he’s apologizing in a really half-assed way.
— Blake Shelton (@blakeshelton) August 17, 2016
In case he takes that down, he writes:
“Everyone knows comedy has been a major part of my career and it’s always been out there for anyone to see. That said anyone that knows me also knows I have no tolerance for hate of any kind of form. Can my humor at times be inappropriate and immature? Yes. Hateful? Never. That said I deeply apologize to anybody who may have been offended.”
Here’s the thing… I’ve lived in Virginia most of my life. I know rednecks, because of course I do. I also know that most people, redneck or not, wouldn’t make these kinds of jokes online or in public at any point in the past decade. The dated stereotypes, the absolutely inane comments about women and homosexuality, it’s also so crudely retro. And I actually think it’s a put-on personality for Blake. I think he’s trying to appeal to what he perceives as his fanbase. That’s how it reads: pandering. And I’m so glad that Blake didn’t feel too “afraid” to make these tweets back in 2010-11. That’s why he’s supporting Donald Trump: because white heterosexual men shouldn’t feel afraid to be sexist, homophobic bigots.
And here are some of @BlakeShelton ‘s extremely offensive disgusting tweets about women. pic.twitter.com/FARq8QdqIP
— THE MUSIC TEA (@MusicFactsTea) August 13, 2016
Here are Some more extremely homophobic tweets by @BlakeShelton . He’s disgusting. pic.twitter.com/Qo8UwXQfqF
— THE MUSIC TEA (@MusicFactsTea) August 13, 2016
#Throwback to some of @BlakeShelton ‘s homophobic tweets poking fun at and insulting gay men. pic.twitter.com/pOPKFscqnH
— THE MUSIC TEA (@MusicFactsTea) August 13, 2016
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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