Yesterday we reported on the news that Tori Spelling, 42, was being sued by American Express for nonpayment of a nearly $38,000 debt. The last payment Tori attempted to make was in June of last year. It was around $1,000 and Tori’s check bounced, suggesting that she’s pretty deep in debt. Many of you mentioned that this large Amex credit was probably the tip of the iceberg for Tori because people with one large credit card bill usually have several.
A paparazzo from TMZ caught up with Tori’s mother, Candy, who inherited the bulk of her late husband, TV magnate Aaron Spelling’s estate. They asked her if she knew about Tori’s Amex debt and Candy seemed surprised. (Although it was hard to tell because her face is permanently stuck in that expression.) She was pretty candid about the fact that she’s been paying all of Tori’s bills but wasn’t about to bail her out of this one. Here’s what she said and you can see the video below.
Would you be willing to help [Tori] out?
I’ve been helping her out, I’m paying all her bills now. I’m not paying extras like that. I’m not paying any back payments, just for the house and the kids school and the food.
Why did she miss a payment?
I don’t know. Extravagance I guess.
As I mentioned yesterday, Candy buys insane amounts of sh*t, at least she did during Tori’s childhood. She had one of the largest beanie baby collections in the world, she had rare dolls worth tens of thousands, and the mansion she sold in LA – which she had custom made – had three gift wrapping rooms, a doll room, a barbershop and a bowling alley. Many massively wealthy people have rooms for their hobbies but Candy’s mansion was just beyond. So that’s where Tori learned her spending habits. I’m not saying her mom should bail her out at all. I think Candy is taking the right stance, especially if you think of Tori as an addict. Tori’s addiction is spending, and if her mom pays for more than the basics (that word being extremely relative in this case) she’s just feeding Tori’s addiction.
Also, Candy sees her grandchildren from what I’ve read but she and Tori have had a very strained relationship to date, most likely due to the money issue. Candy claimed in 2014 that Tori would beg her for “extravagant” things and not allow her to see her grandchildren when she refused.
Radar Online is reporting that Tori’s husband Dean is encouraging her to file for bankruptcy. That’s not going to stop her though, just look at Teresa Giudice.
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