San Francisco 49er Colin Kaepernick has remained seated for the national anthem for at least three games. He says he will continue to sit out the anthem for as long as it takes. It’s a huge deal for some reason, I think because it’s a tricky and salty election year, and because every racist troll feels empowered on social media. Kaepernick has been getting hammered in sports media, mainstream media, and especially in conservative media. The conservative media has deflecting the issue back to “this is disrespectful to… the troops! To veterans! To the military!” Which is why this new hashtag is pretty extraordinary – currently, #VeteransForKaepernick has been trending on Twitter for the better part of a day. While some racists are trolling the hashtag, there’s a lot of great support out there. And some of the posts absolutely made me tear up. This is some great America-troop-woke-BLM-free speech right here.
Don’t use my service–or that of any veteran–to justify the silencing of black Americans. Not on my watch. #VeteransForKaepernick
— Charles Clymer (@cmclymer) August 31, 2016
As a veteran, I have been saying for days, do NOT use OUR service as an excuse for YOUR racism and false patriotism. #VeteransForKaepernick
— K. Todd Ramer (@K_ToddRamer) August 31, 2016
#VeteransForKaepernick because I didn’t volunteer to defend a country where police brutality is swept under the rug.
— Baltic Avenue (@Baltic_Avenue) August 31, 2016
I was a Black man before my service and will still be a Black man when I’m done #VeteransForKaepernick
— Dominique Thorpe (@GenuinelySpoken) August 31, 2016
I serve for his right to protest.. I don’t serve for Police Brutality.. #VeteransForKaepernick
— Airbnb Papi (@JoeOnDemand) August 31, 2016
I serve to protect your freedoms, not a song #VeteransForKaepernick
— Marco (@BasedMarcoM) August 31, 2016
#VeteransForKaepernick Because we’re actually not all self-centered racists. #BlackLivesMatter
— Ed Beck (@DEdwardBeck) August 31, 2016
The oath was defend the Consitution not the anthem. #Veteransforkaepernick
— Dave Bledsoe (@TheHell_Podcast) August 31, 2016
Anthem protest may be rude, but weakening NATO, lax nuke policy & sowing hatred is dangerous.#VeteransForKaepernick
— Col. Morris Davis (@ColMorrisDavis) August 31, 2016
I served this country honorably for his right to protest the way he saw fit. #VeteransForKaepernick
— Miss B. (@brittneeraebaby) August 31, 2016
May not agree with his method of protest but fought for and respect his right to do it #VeteransForKaepernick
— Johnny Painter (@damnredskinsfan) August 31, 2016
So sad but TRUE
You can love your country and still ask your country to do better ??????#VeteransForKaepernick
— Sherry Jack (@SherryJack321) August 31, 2016
It’s good to see that some/many people get it, right? It’s extraordinary to see so many white veterans (specifically) standing up for Kaepernick, and several of those veterans are even tagging their posts #BlackLivesMatter. VETERAN WOKENESS. Seriously, if you need a pick-me-up today, just read the posts.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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