Daniel Radcliffe has a perfectly delightful new interview with Playboy, where he talks about all manner of dirty things. For real, it is a naughty interview, most of which I cannot repeat here. There’s one moment where Daniel admits to being prolific in the art of the “rub off.” Even on the Harry Potter set, he’d grow inpatient waiting for Alan Rickman to hurry up and nail a scene so he could run to his trailer and take care of business. Then he says (much like Louis C.K.) that he’d worry everyone on set would know. So there’s a thought to ruin teenage memories.
In these excerpts DanRad talks about how he completely lost himself in alcohol in order to avoid noticing amateur photographers wielding their phones at him. It’s been a good few years since we heard about Daniel’s hard boozing, but he’s pretty much over that phase in life. After being good as Harry Potter for so many years, he must have needed to get bad behavior out of his system. Some excerpts:.
Losing himself in alcohol at age 18: “Anytime I’d go out to dance, camera phones would come out. That would make me very self-conscious, and what’s the easiest way to escape being self-conscious? Alcohol is a quick way of doing that. So it was related in that way. A few years ago there was a TV ad that showed a lot of inventors, including a guy who invented the camera phone. He was smiling smugly into the camera, and I was just like, F*** you. What have you wrought? [laughs] Camera phones are definitely not my favorite.”
Does being short limit his career? “I don’t think so. Dustin Hoffman and Tom Cruise have very different careers, and they’re both about the same height as I am. I could play a soldier. The minimum height for a marine is five feet, and I’m well above that. If you’re asking, ‘Can you play a really f***ing tall person?’ No, obviously not. [laughs] Can I play a black guy? For similar reasons, no. I couldn’t play something I wouldn’t take myself seriously in. I wouldn’t be able to take myself seriously as the quarterback in a football movie, which is my one legitimate gripe. I would love to be in a football movie. The only part I would get is the general manager.”
[From Playboy]
I very much want to believe that Daniel was shading short guys like Tom Cruise who insist upon playing large hulking men like Jack Reacher. That will always be hilarious because short guys can be so hot. Think Al Pacino in The Godfather or Peter Dinklage in anything. DanRad is also pretty hot, but people still think of him as Potter. Anyway, the rest of the interview is pretty raunchy and you should read it.
Photos courtesy of WENN
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