
Here are some photos of Taylor Swift on her way out of the gym in NYC on Friday. Those leggings are… odd? I’ve never seen leggings with sheer, panty-hose –like paneling. Then again, I don’t keep up with all of the cute gymwear available. Maybe Tay has a Fabletics subscription. I’m also wondering (once again) how women can exit the gym looking sort of pap stroll-ready. I know I look like the wrath of God when I leave the gym – I’m sweat-drenched, exhausted, red-faced and drained. How does Taylor look this cute after working out? Did she just do a few burpees and call it a day?

Meanwhile, as we heard late last week, Tay-Tay is not coming to the VMAs tonight. She wants you to believe that her absence was her choice, but I sort of believe that MTV sent a pretty clear signal that they didn’t want her this year when she didn’t get any VMA nominations (again, she claimed that was her choice too). I’ve been saying that the perfect revenge would be for Taylor to fly to Australia and do a pap stroll with Tom Hiddleston. I can’t find any evidence that she’s left New York, although a lot could change in the next 12-24 hours. I really find it hard to believe that Taylor would stay in New York and NOT go to the VMAs (they’re back in NYC this year).

What else? Media TakeOut claimed that Taylor’s absence from this year’s VMAs has very little to do with Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, receipts or snake emojis. They claimed that Beyonce threw her weight around with MTV producers and had Taylor “banned.” Allegedly, Beyonce told MTV that she wouldn’t even perform if Taylor attended. Gossip Cop called bulls—t, and I think GC is right on this one. Beyonce and Jay-Z have historically been nice to Taylor. They’re not BFFs or anything, but Bey and Jay refuse to beef with Taylor like Kanye.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.