
Despite many protests and complaints, Donald Trump hosted this weekend’s Saturday Night Live. NBC had cut their ties with Trump months ago, but it seemed pretty clear that Lorne Michaels and the SNL writers were trying to get Trump on the show, because they were really soft-balling the jokes about Trump’s campaign for months. Trump has hosted SNL before, and… I mean, I guess it’s a good thing that he’s fine with making fun of himself. It’s not that Donald Trump particularly wants to be president, he just wants attention. He loves being the center of attention, and even when that attention is bad, he still enjoys it. Here’s Trump’s opening monologue, with guest appearances by Taran Killam and Darrell Hammond doing Trump impressions. Darrell is the best Trump. He’s even a better Trump than Trump.

There were many, many awkward and unfunny sketches, but the best skit was probably the guys doing a spoof of Drake’s “Hotline Bling.” Trump dancing like an accountant? It’s actually pretty great. Also: guest appearance by Martin Short!

Here’s a sketch about Trump “live-tweeting” the sketch. It sucked and the timing was off.

I love the “Bad Girls” sketches. This one is really great, but there’s no Trump.

Here’s another non-Trump sketch. This is the cold-open for the Democratic Forum. Kate McKinnon’s Hillary Clinton impression has gotten really good. And I guess Larry David is just going to do Bernie Sanders for the rest of the year? It’s kind of cool that Larry David has nothing better to do? Like, that alone is funny. That being said, his Bernie is AMAZING.

Anyway, my take on Trump’s hosting duties… a tempest in a teapot. The biggest controversy might be that his SNL appearance didn’t make that much of a dent either way. That being said, Trump really did give SNL a huge ratings bump. This was the most-watched episode in years.

Photos courtesy of SNL.