These are some additional photos from William and Kate’s Day at the Beach, also known as their “royal tour” of Cornwall. I’m surprised that Kate didn’t have a bikini on underneath her dress so she could get some sunbathing in! And yes, as you can see the above photo, The Flasher struck again. We were due!
Will and Kate actually did fit several events into their day in Cornwall. They even had a drink of some Cornwall-produced liquor, and Kate did a rare thing… she took a sip of an alcoholic beverage in front of witnesses. Usually she never eats or drinks in front of people, she did do a shot of whiskey with William. There’s also a weird story about how Kate likely “put William on a diet” because he looks “noticeably thinner”?? He never had a gut or anything, but sure, he does look a bit slimmer. My favorite story to come out of their Cornwall tour is the following story though – Will and Kate trying to interact with children.
The royal couple stopped by Zebs youth center to talk to kids about careers, dreams and goals. While there, William admitted that it took “an awfully long time” for him to figure out what he wanted to do with his life, so he told the group that it’s totally OK to take some time to figure it all out.
“Do any of you know what you would love to be? Do you have some aspirations?” Kate asked the group.
“It is totally cool not to have that, by the way,” William interjected. “It took me an awfully long time to work out what I wanted to be.”
“It is so difficult because there’s so much out there,” the duchess added. “It is hard, isn’t it, to pinpoint one thing? William is right. I found it difficult as well.”
Many of the kids breathed a sigh of relief after hearing from Kate and William, feeling reassured that they didn’t have to have their lives figured out already. “They are both higher class and stuff like that so it is just reassuring that we can do well as well,” one student shared. “They just sounded very interested in everything. They do genuinely want to know what it is like.”
Afterwards the duke and duchess stopped by the center’s sound and music room to take in some performances from the music students. When asked if William wanted to have a go on the drums, he joked, “Absolutely not. I would just hammer the drums. I know where my strengths lie and it is definitely not at a drum set.”
[From E! News]
First, let me be nice: I’m sure those kids truly appreciated hearing two adults basically say “It’s totally fine if you don’t have it all figured right now, sometimes it takes a while to find your passion.” That sentiment is absolutely welcome and underutilized when it comes to kids and teenagers. So good for them for saying that. But I still found it odd/funny that William, who will one day be king, who always knew he would have to perform years of military service, who always knew that his life would be full of charity work, that same Prince William is all “It took me an awfully long time to work out what I wanted to be.” Really? Because it seems like he’s worked out that he doesn’t want to be king. It seems like he worked out that he just wants to be Normal Bill, the middle-class bloke who has all of the privileges of royalty without any of the responsibilities. Is that what he worked out?
As for Kate? “It is so difficult because there’s so much out there. It is hard, isn’t it, to pinpoint one thing? William is right. I found it difficult as well.” I thought she figured out what she wanted to be when she was like 19 years old and decided to devote ten years of her life to Getting the Ring.
PS… The photo below… I’m going to use it for the rest of the year for Duchess Kate stories!! Just FYI. It’s my new favorite Kate photo.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
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