The Mother of Dragons is Esquire’s Sexiest Woman Alive for 2015. Breaker of Chains! Actually, it’s just little Emilia Clarke without the blonde wig and without her dragon babies. I absolutely HATE the cover. Esquire did a perfectly lovely photoshoot with Emilia where she looks kittenish and sexy, so I have no idea why they Photoshopped the crap out of one of the bed photos and threw it down at the bottom of the cover. It’s so weird. As for the profile… eh. The Esquire writer and Emilia did a “fun day” playing “Game of Phones” in London, but there’s no big reveal or anything. There are barely any quotes at all – you can read the full piece here. Some highlights:
How she takes her tea: “How do you take it? In my family we always argue about the order of pouring. I’m a milk-first kind of girl.”
Her parents: “They didn’t want me to go to boarding school. I wanted to. My brother was already going [he’s two years older], and I fancied his friends.”
Her dad tried to prepare her: “He was crew, not cast; there’s a big divide… He wanted me to be very realistic about the whole thing, about how nobody makes any money. The only line you’ll ever need to learn, he told me, is Do you want fries with that?”
How she got cast in GoT: “And then my agent calls me up and says, ‘Did you ever go up for Game of Thrones?’ ” The original pilot for the show had already been shot but nobody was happy with it, so HBO was digging back into the casting pile to try and save it. This is where Emilia came in. “My agent told the casting director, ‘I know that the breakdown for this character is tall and willowy and blonde. I know she’s short and round and brown, but I’d like you to see her.’ I had two scenes which told me nothing and not very much time in which to read all those [George R. R. Martin] books. So I did what every good actor does and Wikipedia’d the living crap out of it. Yeah … [they wanted] someone who could grow before your eyes in one season, who could gather strength and show vulnerability, they wanted the arc…”
[From Esquire]
I always wonder about the money with the Game of Thrones actors though. I mean, the cast is so big and HBO is spending so much on sets, locations, costumes and all of that. It’s a HUGE production. I just don’t believe any of the actors are really getting paid that much. Maybe Peter Dinklage is scoring the big paychecks, but Emilia? Doubtful. But she’ll be able to make money with everything beyond GoT, so it all works out. Anyway… I don’t hate the choice of Emilia for Sexiest Woman Alive. It’s fine. She’s lovely.
Photos courtesy of Esquire.
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