
As I’m writing this, I’m not even sure what the headline should be because it feels like every day of this presidential campaign, there are like 20 different major headlines, and almost all of them are terrifying. So… let’s start with Hillary Clinton. Many thought that Hillary would simply sit on her lead, try not to offend, and happily make the entire election about how Donald Trump is unelectable. Pollsters and professional campaign people were like, “She can’t do that!” But she was doing that for a time, and it worked. But Hillary decided to do something different this week: she decided to make a compelling argument for why Donald Trump has brought the racist, white-nationalist fringe into mainstream American politics. On Thursday, she gave one of her biggest speeches ever on this very subject. Here’s video of the speech:

From what I saw on cable news last night, Clinton’s speech was well-received by Democrats and the majority of (sane) Americans. Clinton is actually taking a chance here: she’s taking a chance that people will pay close attention to the bizarro-world and alternate reality that Trump now occupies in American politics. Her argument is not simply “Trump is not a standard Republican” (although she says that too) but “Trump is the fringe on everything.” Even People Magazine (the most mainstream publication in the country, when you think about it) is running stories about Donald Trump’s relationship with the Alt-Right/white-supremacist fringe.

Trump’s reaction was the same as it’s been for more than a month. He’s employing the “I’m rubber, you’re glue” argument, which is to call Hillary a bigot, a racist and unfit for the presidency, for reasons. Anderson Cooper tried to press Trump on WHY he thinks Clinton is a bigot and a racist, and something weird happened… it’s almost like Donald Trump doesn’t know what “bigotry” is. Like, he doesn’t know the definition. He’s just saying words. Like a child. Someone said, “Hey, you should call Hillary Clinton a bigot” and Trump thought it would be fun to say.

Speaking of Trump just saying words, THAT IS WHAT HE IS DOING. Even his spokeswoman Katrina Pierson says that. Pierson, who is absolutely the dumbest person in the world, tried to explain Trump’s immigration shift as “He hasn’t changed his position. He has changed the words he is saying.” I’m still laughing at that one.

What else? Trump campaign CEO Steve Bannon (the guy from Breitbart) was once charged with domestic violence. Because this entire election is a sh-tshow.

Photos courtesy of WENN.