For a week now, the Trump Campaign has been trying to make Hillary Clinton’s health an issue. What could have been a moment of “okay, let’s get both candidates to release their comprehensive medical records” quickly turned sour as Trump surrogates called Hillary “brain damaged” and “epileptic.” In the words of many political analysts, Hillary Clinton’s health has become Trump’s new Birther conspiracy/campaign. It amazes me and terrifies me that the Republican nominee for the presidency of the United States spends so much time spinning these kinds of conspiracy theories. Anyway, Clinton made an appearance on last night’s Jimmy Kimmel Live and they ended up talking about her health and other stuff.
Here’s Hillary talking about the conspiracies around her health. Kimmel makes her open a jar of pickles, which she does really well! I struggle more than Hillary with jars of pickles. #PickleTruther #ShowUsYourPickleJar #HillaryCofoundedPickleISIS
This is the start of the interview, the most political part. They also talk debate-prep.
Hillary talking about Bill’s love of balloons.
Hillary reads Trump-quotes with a straight face.
While I made up my mind to vote for Clinton like ten months ago, so I’m obviously Team HRC on most things, I have to say that I thought this was a good interview for her. So many of the complaints against Hillary are so gendered, like the complaints about her voice, her smile, her “attitude,” whatever. She seemed personable, loose and funny here. But don’t mind me… I obsessively check out the FiveThirtyEight forecasts every day. That’s where I am in this election cycle: calming myself by focusing on math.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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