
Good news for Potterheads! The indomitable J.K. Rowling has just announced that she is releasing three new Harry Potter books on her Pottermore website. The new stories titled,Hogwarts: An Incomplete and Unreliable Guide, Short Stories from Hogwarts of Power, Politics and Pesky Poltergeists and Short Stories from Hogwarts of Heroism, Hardship and Dangerous Hobbies offer new, detailed information about Hogwarts and the colorful characters who either taught or attended there. The eBooks will be downloadable for $3 a piece and will be released on September 6.

Potterheads still reeling from excitement following the arrival of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child may want to sit down for this: J.K. Rowling is set to release three new Harry Potter books on Pottermore.

Taking the form of short eBooks called Pottermore Presents, they’ll delve into the secrets of the Harry Potter characters and universe. Scheduled for release on Sept. 6, the books will include original writings by Rowling and information drawn from the Pottermore archives. They’ll detail everything from the terrible past of Azkaban prison to the inner workings of the Ministry of Magic, and also feature an original piece on Horace Slughorn.

“Pottermore Presents is intended to supplement the Harry Potter book series with short-form content that is entertaining and thematically curated by the Pottermore editorial team,” Pottermore CEO Susan Jurevics tells Time.

The Pottermore website also promises a “new piece of writing from J.K. Rowling on Minerva McGonagall, and her involvement in the second wizarding war,” as well as “why the Black family bestow such odd names to their children, how a witch or wizard becomes a portrait, or what J.K. Rowling really thinks about Professor Umbridge.”

[From People]

Exciting, right? Except for one small thing – I need to get J.K. an extinguisher because her PANTS ARE ON FIRE! I just had to relay J.K.’s crushing announcement after the curtain call of Cursed Child that, “Harry is done now.” Done – as in no more, gone, arrivederci. And then bam! Three new stories appear. You’re killing me Jo! I suppose she gets off on a technicality because the new stories are supplemental information on the history and inner-workings of Hogwarts and the focus of the stories are characters other than Harry himself. So maybe he doesn’t appear and that’s why she felt so free to crush our souls during our Cursed Child high.

Maybe J.K. is just too busy to remember all of her prior statements? Doing things like trying to understand Olympic cycling or getting Quidditch in the Olympics. Whatever the reason, the new books are sure to be societally relevant. Fantastic Beasts’ star Alison Sudol told Entertainment Weekly of the upcoming movie, “There’s all kinds of things going on in our world right now concerning immigration and tensions between different groups. There’s a lot about segregation in this film, a lot about fear of the ‘other.’ … J.K. Rowling has tapped into really deep and pertinent issues.” J.K. has already released supplemental information on Ilvermorny for the Fantastic Beasts series, with the release of new Hogwarts stories, I think the one thing we truthfully know is that J.K. can’t let go of that world any more than we can.

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