BESTPIX: Shutterfly Launches Pet Accessories Collection With Jenna Dewan-Tatum & Hope For Paws At The Veterinary Care Center In Los Angeles

The PR people for Shutterfly sent us these photos of Jenna Dewan Tatum with two beautiful dogs. These aren’t Jenna and Channing’s actual dogs; they’re rescue dogs available from Hope For Paws animal rescue, which has a network of foster homes for pups centered in Los Angeles. Shutterfly is promoting their new pet accessories line, which offers custom photo tags, bowls and pet placemats. (No one paid us for this ad, I just saw puppies and got distracted.) Kaiser, Bedhead and I were oohing and ahhing over how adorable these dogs are. They picked the prettiest dogs for this shoot, and the most heartbreaking. I was going to make this story about Jenna explaining how she got her two dogs used to her newborn baby, but I found the rescue information for these dogs and I think we should talk about that instead. Both of them have incredible backstories.

The female Old English Sheepdog Jenna is cuddling, Shayna, was rescued wandering near some railroad tracks. I found her rescue video and it’s making me cry. (Seriously, you may want to wait to watch this until you’re alone or with people you don’t mind seeing you cry.) When they found Shayna, she couldn’t even see because her fur was so overgrown. They gave her a bath, cleaned her up and found her a good foster home. (They were able to locate her former owners, who said they could no longer care for her. Of course they couldn’t, how could anyone do this?) As far as I know, Shayna still looking for a forever home but I bet she gets adopted quickly.

The rescue video for this pitbull, Thor, is not posted yet but Hope for Paws shared his story on their Facebook page. He was found earlier this month living among piles of debris in a construction site. This is an actual photo of where Thor was found.


Here is the story of Thor’s rescue that Eldad Hagar, Hope for Paws co-founder, posted on Facebook:

CrAzY rescue!!! I have no idea why any stray dog would pick this dangerous spot, but THOR did, and it made this rescue quite difficult. Lisa Arturo joined me on this rescue, and together we were able to accomplish this dangerous rescue safely. I posted the whole story with many more photos here:
Hope For Paws did the rescue and we will of course handle his medical care. Our friends from LA Animal will begin fostering him next week, and together we will find him an amazing home! He is so sweet, and so loving, and the transformation you will see in this video that is coming up soon will just melt your heart. I will post this rescue video soon here:
Special thanks to Waste Management for calling us about Thor, and for allowing us to get on the property (and on that pile of trash) in order to save his life.
Please share his story.

Hope for Paws’ Flickr has photos of Thor being rescued and given a bath. Eldad writes “Thor was covered with fleas, ticks, and dirt. We gave him a bath, and in the next couple of days he will move to his foster home (after he will be neutered, vaccinated, microchipped, and have his injured paw taken care of medically). This kid is so cute and so happy now.

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I’m kind of glad that Thor doesn’t have a rescue video up yet or I would be bawling. Kudos to Hope For Paws and all their volunteers and foster parents for all the work that they do on behalf of these loving dogs. You can help contribute to the cause and learn about dogs available for adoption at and the Hope For Paws facebook page. Look at what a difference they’ve made in these dogs’ lives!

Shutterfly Launches Pet Accessories Collection With Jenna Dewan-Tatum & Hope For Paws At The Veterinary Care Center In Los Angeles

Shutterfly Launches Pet Accessories Collection With Jenna Dewan-Tatum & Hope For Paws At The Veterinary Care Center In Los Angeles

Shutterfly Launches Pet Accessories Collection With Jenna Dewan-Tatum & Hope For Paws At The Veterinary Care Center In Los Angeles

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Shutterfly Launches Pet Accessories Collection With Jenna Dewan-Tatum & Hope For Paws At The Veterinary Care Center In Los Angeles
Shutterfly Launches Pet Accessories Collection With Jenna Dewan-Tatum & Hope For Paws At The Veterinary Care Center In Los Angeles
Shutterfly Launches Pet Accessories Collection With Jenna Dewan-Tatum & Hope For Paws At The Veterinary Care Center In Los Angeles
Shutterfly Launches Pet Accessories Collection With Jenna Dewan-Tatum & Hope For Paws At The Veterinary Care Center In Los Angeles
BESTPIX: Shutterfly Launches Pet Accessories Collection With Jenna Dewan-Tatum & Hope For Paws At The Veterinary Care Center In Los Angeles

photo credit: Hope for Paws and Getty Images for Shutterfly