Jennifer Lawrence

There are days when it’s tough to be a Jennifer Lawrence defender, and one of those days is today. JLaw had a particularly attention-grabby week a few months ago when she was doing chopstick-walrus faces and drawing herself a moustache for the paps. That was the height of her weirdness after years of poop jokes. Then Jennifer made a serious effort to get it together and stop acting like a 12-year-old boy. Most of the time, I find her hilariously disarming, but she admitted to The New York Times that she was “so scared to say anything now” because she knows people find her obnoxious. So that version of JLaw disappeared for a month, but now she’s back with a vengeance.

In an interview with MTV News, JLaw let her inner bro out in a joint interview with Josh Hutcherson and Liam Hemsworth to promote Mockingjay: Part 2. Jennifer stuffed marshmallows in her face and admitted that she regularly pees in the sink. She likes peeing in the sink and prefers it to a toilet! Here we go:

Jennifer Lawrence made the hilarious and gross revelation during a recent interview that she’ll “pee in the sink” if a friend is occupying the only available toilet. Watch the funny video below!

During an MTV News segment in which the Hunger Games cast answered fan questions, one of the written inquiries came from “fan” Amy Schumer. The question read, “Have you ever peed in a bidet?” Lawrence laughed and explained, “This is an ongoing conversation with me and Amy.” She then dropped the bombshell, “I’ll take it one step forward. I’ve peed in some sinks.”

Co-stars Liam Hemsworth and Josh Hutcherson looked baffled by Lawrence’s admission, so the actress clarified, “When two girls go into a bathroom, someonets gotta take sink … and I actually like taking sink.” Regarding that logic, Hutcherson reponded, “That’s not true. One can wait.” Lawrence shot back, “One could wait. But if the one waiting is me, she’s going in the sink.” For his part, Hemsworth remained speechless throughout the exchange.

It should also be noted, Lawrence admitted earlier in the interview, “I don’t wash my hands after I go to the bathroom.”

[From MTV News]

I can deal with the peeing in the sink truth, but not washing her hands after going to the bathroom? That’s disgusting. Now every time I see her in a Dior dress, I will imagine her touching it with toilet hands. JLaw will need to work hard to make up for this grossness.

More JLaw news. She thinks Donald Trump would be an even worse leader than President Snow in The Hunger Games franchise. According to JLaw, a Trump inauguration “will be the end of the world.” Liam agreed with her, and Josh simply said that Trump’s candidacy is “a publicity stunt. It can’t be real.” If only…

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet, Pacific Coast News & WENN

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