
Justin Theroux was in NYC for most of last week, and it wouldn’t surprise me at all if he was going to be in NYC for several more months. Filming has begun on The Girl on the Train, and I think Justin has likely locked down an important role in the ensemble. Justin was also doing press last week, only he was just talking about how much he loves to play Call of Duty with his bros, and how Jennifer Aniston just accepts it. Some assorted quotes:

The compliment he always gives Jennifer: “She’s beautiful. Not to be corny, but it’s true. So I constantly say that.”

His man-cave: “[It’s just] a little office I play in and a little chair that’s set up.”

Jennifer doesn’t understand why he plays video games: “No. Jen does not play the game, and doesn’t understand why I play the game, but she allows me to. She’s nice enough to let me go away for a couple hours a couple times a week and play.”

He loves Call of Duty: Black Ops 3: “Wifey does not play. Wifey is like, ‘Where are you?’ she still doesn’t see it as a social app. Like, I am hanging out with my friends—technically—and she’s like, ‘No. You are sitting there watching a TV playing a game.’ She’s not understanding!”

He’s going to war: “Well, it looks weird when you walk in and they’re just sitting there screaming into a headset and they’re killing each other… I’m going to war, and she’s not understanding. Then I come back from war and she’s upset.”

At the end of the day, she’s fine with it: “she knows that I love it, so she’s very tolerant.”

[From E! News and ET]

If the worst we can say about Justin Theroux is that he’s an Emotive Eyebrow who loves playing Call of Duty with his bros, maybe that’s not too bad. Dudes do love to play video games. And it’s nice that Jennifer allowed Justin to have one little man-cave space in her fancy Bel Air home. Oh, and as for the “wifey” thing (which is super-annoying), Justin was repeating what the E! reporter said. The reporter asked him about “the wifey” so Justin just repeated it back. Still, I hope he doesn’t call her that.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.