Who recognizes this look from Streaming?- one of my FAVORITES!? #tbt #BTS (link in bio??)
A photo posted by Anna Kaiser (@theannakaiser) on Aug 4, 2016 at 5:24am PDT
NY Mag has a new interview with advice from a personal trainer who works with Kelly Ripa, Shakira and Karlie Kloss, a woman named Anna Kaiser (whom I will be calling Anna so as not to confuse her with my favorite person who goes by Kaiser). I found this story through The Huffington Post, which has been writing about the importance of sleep for some time. Their founder, Ariana Huffington, wrote a book earlier this year called The Sleep Revolution. Huffington writes that we are a nation in a chronic state of sleep deprivation and that by getting more and enough sleep we can improve many aspects of our lives. Kloss’s trainer agrees, and tells NY Mag that she will advise her clients to sleep in if they are tired rather than get up to exercise.
What wellness means to her
What wellness means to me: It means balancing my energy, lifestyle, and nutrition from an 80/20 perspective. That means 80 percent of the time staying on track, and enjoying and treating myself the other 20 percent. It’s balancing enough fitness without overdoing it and getting enough sleep. It’s about finding that perfect balance where I’m enjoying the day, and not racing through it. It’s also about feeding myself well and seeing people who I love. As I get older, I think about the quality of my life and a balanced way to enjoy that. That’s true wellness — being well from inside out.
She recommends not to overdo it with exercise
You can tell if you feel like you are unable to recover from the workout you had. It’s still hard to breathe. You don’t have energy. You are sore instantly. You just can’t seem to get enough water. Then it’s too hard. I don’t think that anyone should be working out more than 60 to 90 minutes, four to five days a week.
She advocates sleep over working out harder or eating less
Sleep more. I don’t think anyone understands how important it is. If you have a choice where you’ve only been sleeping five or six hours and can sleep an extra hour or work out, sleep an extra hour. You’re running your body down, which will affect your energy and hold onto excess water and weight. It will make you hungrier. Five to six hours for a week really prohibits your cognitive and hormones functions. You really need seven to eight hours. Working out harder or better or eating less isn’t the answer. It’s about getting enough sleep.
She drinks alkaline water and believes her blood type influences the acid in her stomach
On staying fit while traveling: It’s so hard. There’s almost no way not to have any jet lag. I try and stay hydrated. Alkaline water gives me more energy than regular water. I have an acidic stomach, as most O-blood types do.
[From NY Mag via Huffington Post]
I have a solution where you can both get up early to work out and still get enough sleep if you are tired – take a nap. I take a nap every afternoon if I can, but I realize that most people don’t work at home and can’t do this. Napping can seem indulgent in our culture, but in some countries they get time off to take naps every day after lunch. As for the exercise vs. sleep in debate, as Huffington Post reports, it’s kind of a wash science-wise as to what you should do. Sometimes I work out in the mornings and it always makes me feel better, although it can be harder to get going in the mornings. There’s also a sense of accomplishment if you work out early, like you kicked butt and are going to have a great day.
Sleep is definitely important but I don’t know if I would follow Anna’s advice in general. She also spouted all that nonsense about blood type and alkaline water, which is total crap. At least she seems like a decent person, judging by her Instagram posts and this interview. Some of these celebrity trainers are total a-holes.
Also I want to give a shout out to my current favorite YouTube trainer, Jessica Smith. Her workouts are fun, they range from easy to very hard, and she’s positive and upbeat without being fake. Jessica agrees with Anna and gives similar advice that sleep trumps diet and exercise because lack of sleep can derail your progress.
Anna was on My Diet is Better than Yours with my man, Shaun T (I only do T25 occasionally, I’m not an Insanity person), but I haven’t seen that show yet.
Don’t let Monday get in the way of your Sunday ??? @karliekloss
A video posted by Anna Kaiser (@theannakaiser) on Aug 21, 2016 at 10:00am PDT
Rocking the first #aSMC HIIT Collection & ready to work ?? #fitnessfriday
A photo posted by Karlie Kloss (@karliekloss) on Jul 22, 2016 at 12:34am PDT
Damn girl.
?? #fitnessfriday @wanderlustfest
A photo posted by Karlie Kloss (@karliekloss) on Jul 15, 2016 at 1:55pm PDT
AMEN. ?+?=?? #theannakaiser Who else is in need of a #NAP & #LOL ? ?
A photo posted by Anna Kaiser (@theannakaiser) on Apr 12, 2016 at 9:47am PDT
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