This is easily one of the oddest editorials I’ve ever seen with Kate Winslet. Usually, Winslet is styled in A) classic English rose or B) total vamp. Rarely does she agree to high-fashion androgynous/minimalist styling. I can’t say that I really feel like this look suits her. If anything, it makes her (alleged) face work a bit more obvious. Anyway, Kate has a lengthy feature in the new issue of WSJ. Magazine. You can see the full feature here. She chats about everything, from how she got the role in Steve Jobs to where she keeps her Oscar for The Reader. Some highlights:
Keeping the details of her divorces private: “No one really knows what has happened in my life. No one really knows why my first marriage didn’t last; no one knows why my second didn’t. And I’m proud of those silences.”
Failed marriages: “I know lots of people who are not in the public eye who have gone through several marriages, I really do, and it’s just those are the cards that life dealt me. I didn’t plan on its being that way . And f— me, it hasn’t been easy, you know.”
Her husband, Ned Rocknroll: “Thank God for Ned — really. He’s just so incredibly supportive, and he’s so much fun. He’s absolutely everything to me. And to all of us.”
Traveling with family: “People assume that [actors] go off for months on end. A lot of journalists say to me, ‘So, I bet you’re looking forward to having some time with your kids,’ and I think, ‘I’m with them all the f—ing time.’ I don’t leave anyone behind; that’s just not the way it goes.”
Botox rumors: “Just a couple of hours ago, my publicist sent an email saying that some journalist from the Daily Mail has a picture of me from an event last night and is saying that I appear to have lost all the baby weight and how did I do that? And do I want to comment on the fact that experts are saying that I’ve had Botox? I just get irritated by that s—. First of all, the latter is 100 percent not true, and secondly, it’s f—ing 18 months later. Of course I’m going to get back at some point.”
Preferring not to be referred to as a movie star: “I’ve always been so uncomfortable with that. I just don’t feel like one, and I don’t live like one either— not the way I imagine a proper movie star living.”
Why she keeps her Oscar in the bathroom: “The whole point is for everybody to pick it up and go, ‘I’d like to thank my son and my dad’—and you can always tell when someone has, because they’re in there a little bit longer after they flushed. They’ll come out looking slightly pink-cheeked. It’s hysterical.”
Nude scenes and body image: “I don’t think I can get away with it now,” she says. “I’ve never had a body double—that would feel like lying. So I am probably done… I get really big when I am pregnant. There are things that will never go back, but in terms of physically feeling back and healthy, I do.”
[From WSJ. Magazine]
Again with the Botox denial? Sure. I do feel sympathy for all of the crap she gets about her failed marriages. I think she’s a bit like Jennifer Lopez, you know? In love with love. Always ready to drop everything and have a baby with the new guy. And I’m actually surprised that whatever she has with Ned RockNRoll is working. Aren’t you?
Most of the piece is just a straight interview with Winslet, but there are quotes from her colleagues interspersed throughout. Winslet herself talks about how amazing it was to have Michael Fassbender carry the burden of being the lead in the film and how she was “maternal” towards him, constantly offering him tea and snacks. Fassy says the same thing, telling the magazine that Winslet “was always doing things like booking hotels for me to get away and restaurants and trying to make sure that I was looking after myself.” Aw. That is nice.
Photos courtesy of Willy Vanderperre for WSJ. Magazine.
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