Here are some photos from last night’s London Film Festival closing night premiere of Steve Jobs. I’m just doing photos of Kate Winslet and Michael Fassbender, if that’s alright. I like Danny Boyle but I don’t need to see photos of him, you know? Winslet has been gushing about Fassbender in interview after interview and I do think she’s got a little crush on him. He seemed happy enough to grab onto her for the red carpet, and it makes me realize that we’ve never seen him pose like this with a girlfriend, not even when he dates his costars. Kate’s dress is Alexander McQueen and it’s… a really boring navy dress.
Fassy has been saying words to promote the film, of course, but there’s something notably different this time around: Fassy is being cautious. He’s not complaining, he’s not making pronouncements about how he’s not going to campaign for an Oscar or any of that. He’s playing it very safe. Some assorted quotes:
Steve Jobs was flawed: “Steve Jobs tried to make products that are not poorly made, but maybe that was to make up for his own shortcomings. All of his energy goes into these products he’s creating, while his own life suffers.”
Fassy doesn’t see Jobs as cruel: “I played him with the utmost respect. I never tried to play him as a cruel person, but as somebody who was passionate about his vision. He pushed for the best, sometimes to the breaking point. But when you’re changing the world in such Teutonic kind of way, then maybe that’s what is required.”
The Jobs’ family & their reactions: “It did make me hesitate. I was worried about how their late father, husband and friend would be portrayed and that weighed on my conscience. There was a responsibility, for sure. But I have to get on with my job. I approached it with utmost respect for Jobs and his family and by no means did I set out to betray them. If they do see it, I hope they are not hurt by it because that’s not my intention.”
[From USA Today & The Daily Mail]
He says that part about the family because, as we know now, Steve Jobs’ widow was calling up some of the big names in Hollywood and asking them/begging them not to play Jobs. She called Christian Bale and Leo DiCaprio specifically and asked them not to play Jobs, which is how Fassbender got the part in the first place – he was easily the third or fourth choice. And now he’s being discussed as one of the leading contenders for the Best Actor Oscar. Just goes to show ya.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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