Grey’s Anatomy alum Katherine Heigl is expecting her third child, a boy, with her hubby, singer Josh Kelley, in January. The child will be joining adopted daughters Naleigh, 7, and Adalaide, 4, in the Heigl/Kelley clan.

Although the 37-year-old actress cleared the air with her Knocked Up co-star Seth Rogen a few weeks ago, she is still ranked #24 on Star Magazine’s “Most Hated Celebrities” list. Katherine is making a return to the small screen on the new CBS legal drama, Doubt, co-starring the amazing Laverne Cox (whom I still love despite her participation in FOX’s new Rocky Horror abomination). Katherine recently talked to InTouch about her pregnancy and while she didn’t offer any earth-shattering revelations about the miracle of birth, she did spill the beans about why her hubby is “relieved” that they’re having a boy.

On pregnancy: “I’m just tired and hungry. I’m hungry for doughnuts every day. And if you put a cinnamon roll in front of me, it’s going to get ugly.”

On the best advice she’s received: “the thing that I’m taking to heart is to get as much rest as I can.”

On family life during pregnancy: “The weekends are like, ‘Okay, where are we going for brunch?’ and then it’s, ‘Where are we going for dinner?’ The other day I came home to a bouquet of flowers and a really sweet note from the kids that I’m sure [Josh] made them write.”

Hubby Josh on having a boy: “His brother had a boy last February, and they’re already talking about their golf foursome.”

[From InTouch]

I’ve not had kids of my own, but I can only assume pregnancy would make anyone tired and hungry, right? It seems like Katherine is trying to overhaul her public image, so good on you, girl, I guess. She did recently confess on her lifestyle/crafting blog, Those Heavenly Days, that before she knew she was pregnant, she converted her daughters’ former nursery into a craft room. She reposted the image of her new (now temporary) crafting room to Instagram with the caption, “So I turned the nursery into my craft room before I realized I was expecting a new family member. Bad timing, awesome new craft room!” Okay, that’s kind of endearing.

So I turned the nursery into my craft room before I realized I was expecting a new family member. Bad timing, awesome new craft room! Go to to read my latest post and hopefully get craft room inspired! #thoseheavenlydays #badlandsranch #alittlespacetocallmyown

A photo posted by Katherine Heigl (@katherineheigl) on Aug 18, 2016 at 1:26pm PDT

Katherine told Howard Stern back in April (when she was hopefully not yet pregnant) that she was still smoking, but that she was trying meditation and vaping in an attempt to quit. I certainly hope she has quit and can stay away from the ciggies after having her son. Second-hand smoke is no joke.

A pregnant Katherine Heigl goes out to lunch with her husband Josh Kelley and their two daughters Adalaide and Naleigh

Pregnant Katherine Heigl Out For Lunch With Her Mother

CBS, CW, Showtime Summer TCA Party
CBS, CW, Showtime Summer TCA Party
CBS, CW, Showtime Summer 2016 TCA Party
A pregnant Katherine Heigl goes out to lunch with her husband Josh Kelley and their two daughters Adalaide and Naleigh
Pregnant Katherine Heigl Out For Lunch With Her Mother