
Noted trypophobic Kendall Jenner is back and saying more words! Yay. Kendall once again wrote an “essay” (or a brief series of sentences) about how she feels about asking men out on dates. Keep in mind, this is Kendall we’re talking about. There’s a lot of tabloid conversation about Kendall’s sexuality, but right now she’s telling the world that she’s straight, so God bless. She’s currently dating A$AP Rocky, which still seems totally random to me, like A$AP’s name was picked out of a Kardashian-branded fedora. As it turns out, A$AP Rocky probably got a date with Kendall because he was one of the few brave souls to actually ask her out and pursue her. Because Kendall likes to be pursued. She doesn’t believe in asking a guy out.

Kendall’s dating rules: “It’s not that I’m scared of asking a guy out or showing him that I like him, it’s just that I’d much rather be pursued. I definitely like the chase and the feeling of being wanted. And, the way I see it, if a guy isn’t going to put in the effort and ask me out, then the relationship probably won’t work. It would be a waste of time for me. Call me a little old-fashioned, but it’s just what I like!”

Ageing, grey hair: “A couple months ago, I found a gray hair on my head. Even though I was jokingly being dramatic about getting one (they can be from stress!), it honestly does kind of freak me out. When I turned 20, I was scared, as crazy as that sounds. I just didn’t feel ready to be out of my teens, yet – I didn’t want to be in my twenties. I feel like your twenties are when you actually have to grow up and be an adult, which is scary!”

[From Kendall’s website via The Mirror]

I like that she’s saying it’s a personal call, that she’s not shilling some return to “The Rules” style dating. And honestly, a lot of women probably feel the same way. I’m not going to say that I’m all about being pursued, but I’ve asked out guys before and it always ends up being disappointing. I’ll say this: no guy has ever said no when I asked them out, but every date (where I approached the guy) has been sh-tty. There is something to this too: “if a guy isn’t going to put in the effort and ask me out, then the relationship probably won’t work.” God, I had to learn that the hard way.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.