The whole reason why Khloe Kardashian was able – nay, required! – to make medical decisions on Lamar Odom’s behalf was because they are still legally married in the eyes of Lady Justice. Khloe and Lamar’s marriage was in a bizarre sort of limbo for about two years, but several months ago, both Lamar and Khloe signed the papers. But because of a backlog at LA family court, their paperwork still hasn’t gone through, and reportedly it was going to another two month or more for the divorce to be fully processed. And now it never will be processed – Khloe’s divorce lawyer, Laura Wasser (Wasser represents so many of the big-name celebrity women!) asked a judge on Wednesday to formally withdraw the divorce papers. Apparently, it can totally be done at this point?
Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom have jointly gone to court to dismiss their divorce case, because they want to stay husband and wife … TMZ has learned. Khloe’s lawyer Laura Wasser went before a judge Wednesday morning, asking a judge to withdraw the papers they both signed to end their marriage. The file was sitting in a pile waiting to be processed and signed by a judge.
The judge granted Wasser’s request and the file is now dead.
Khloe filed for divorce in December 2013, but sat on it for a year and a half because she tried to save her marriage by trying to get Lamar into rehab. She finally gave up this summer. As we reported, Khloe privately vowed to be by Lamar’s side during his recovery, which will take months, and a few days ago they both agreed to give their marriage another chance. They both signed the document Wasser presented to the judge, asking that the divorce case be dismissed.
Lamar signed Tuesday from his hospital bed — Wasser signed on behalf of Khloe.
[From TMZ]
I suspect that there are complicated legal and medical reasons for this too – Khloe likely wants to maintain control (possibly power of attorney) over Lamar’s medical care in case he suffers any kind of relapse or finds himself in a coma again. And of course, there’s the romantic reason too: Khloe never stopped loving Lamar and he never stopped loving her too. A source told People Magazine: “This is a very delicate and difficult time for both Lamar and Khloé, and the most sensible thing to do at such a time is not make any big moves and put everything on hold. So that’s what she is doing.” I can understand that. Truly. Khloe’s worst-case-scenario would have been the divorce being processed suddenly and she would have found herself unable to care for him.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
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