If you ever saw anything having to do with the Blue Collar Comedy Tour, you probably know a little something about Larry the Cable Guy. I actually watched one of those Blue Collar specials, mostly because I do genuinely love Bill Engvall and Ron White. I could take or leave Larry the Cable Guy and Jeff Foxworthy. Anyway, Larry the Cable Guy is a persona created by a guy named Daniel Lawrence Whitney. Is Larry “relevant” in any real sense? Eh. I’ve lived in the south most of my life, and I’ve met some people like the Larry-persona, but for the most part, he gives Southerners a bad name. He plays into every stereotype about the ignorant, backwoods hick, and the persona seems like an extra from Deliverance.
So, with that background, do you care that Larry the Cable Guy appeared on Fox and Friends on Tuesday? And do you care that Larry has thoughts about politics? They’re just what you would imagine. Larry was asked who he’s supporting, and he jokes that he’s trying to decide between Gary Johnson and Donald Trump, then says:
“I know who I’m not voting for. I’ll give you the initials — Hillary Clinton. This election is so crazy because I want to change. I like Trump, some of the things he says, but then some of things he says are outrageous so you just don’t know. It’s kind of like the choice is, ‘Do I want to poop my pants or do I want someone else to poop my pants? I think I’ll poop my own pants.’”
Larry then goes on to say that the climate around this election has gotten awful, and that he’s worried he’ll get “beat up” for saying he likes Donald Trump, or worse, he’ll be called a racist (hint: he’s a racist). He ends it with “Hillary will be the end of the country.” O RLY? It baffles me that people say that with a straight face, like Donald Trump doesn’t have a history of wanting MORE nuclear weapons in the world, and a history of wanting to use said nuclear weapons.
Incidentally, the false equivalencies from the closeted Trump supporters are irritating the sh-t out of me. “Well, they’re both awful.” No, they’re not. “I hate them both equally.” No, you don’t. How will Hillary be “the end of the country” but everything Trump has done until this point can be dismissed as “some things he says are outrageous”???
“Hillary will be the end of the country.” -Larry the Cable Guyhttps://t.co/qRzwZA23yv
— FOX & Friends (@foxandfriends) August 30, 2016
Larry the Cable Guy: When you say you like Trump, you get death threats and called racisthttps://t.co/QtGDmx2kmY
— FOX & Friends (@foxandfriends) August 30, 2016
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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