
We’re about three weeks away from the release of 2 Fast 2 Batfleck, also known as Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice. I think the film looks hilariously bad, but I don’t doubt it will make lots and lots of money. It’s going to need to make hundreds of millions of dollars just to break even. Just the production costs alone are staggering, but Warner Brothers is probably going to spend tens of millions on top of that just to promote it. My point? A lot of people have a lot riding on this and everyone feels sort of tense. Will the Batfleck’s self-destructive streak rear its ugly and Botoxed head? Will Henry Cavill impregnate a teenager? Will Zack Synder dissolve in a puddle of lens flares? So the WB really doesn’t need someone from the other Batman franchise saying words about how 2 Fast 2 Batfleck looks like a messy pile of dog poo.

Sorry, Ben Affleck — Morgan Freeman doesn’t seem all that jazzed about the highly anticipated Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. ET recently caught up with the 78-year-old actor — who played Lucius Fox in director Christopher Nolan’s iconic Dark Knight trilogy — and he told us he had his reservations about the upcoming blockbuster starring Affleck as Batman.

“You know, I’m happy for Ben, but I don’t know how that’s gonna work,” Morgan said bluntly when asked if he’ll see Batman v Superman.

Freeman also had a very good point — that it’ll be pretty tough to beat Nolan’s critically acclaimed take on the Batman franchise.

“The Dark Knight was almost it, you know? Pretty much IT,” he said. “Did you see Batman Begins? I don’t think you can beat that, my feeling.”

Obviously, Morgan’s co-star in the Dark Knight trilogy, Christian Bale, appreciates the loyalty!

“Right on for Morgan for saying no one will ever beat that, I very much like him,” Bale smiled when ET informed him of Freeman’s comments at the Knight of Cups premiere on Tuesday.

[From ET]

Personally, I’ve never felt like Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy was as “perfect” as the fan-boys wanted to believe. Did Nolan take the franchise to a new and interesting place? For sure. Is The Dark Knight the best film in the trilogy? Absolutely. But beyond the brilliant and interesting visuals, the actual storytelling was really lacking in both Batman Begins and The Dark Knight Rises. Now, all that being said, Nolan’s trilogy will be the definitive take on Batman for years to come. Even if people are “okay” with the Batfleck and this film, people are still going to be like, “Yeah, but the Nolan trilogy though…”

Here are some photos of the Botoxed Batfleck on Tuesday in LA. Did he get a soda from Dunkin Donuts?!?! HAHAHAHA.


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.