
Here are some assorted photos of Nicole Kidman in NYC, following a performance of her play Photograph 51, plus some photos of Nicole in Milan for an Omega event. Nicole has been a brand ambassador for Omega for years, and to promote some new Omega product, Nicole sat down with DuJour Magazine – you can read the full piece here. Much of it is boring, I have to say. I like Nicole and I wish her well, but I wish she would drop some juicier quotes during her promotional tours these days. Here are some of the more interesting highlights from this piece:

What she learned from her partnership with Omega: “There was a time when women weren’t encouraged to wear watches, and there was even a time when the only way they really wore them was hidden in necklaces or underneath things. I love watches, especially those from the 1950s. I’ve always collected vintage jewelry and when I started working with the brand, I asked if they had vintage pieces and they did.”

She’s punctual: “I’m very punctual. I so appreciate punctuality. It’s such a great thing when people actually show up on time and run accordingly. Being on time is a form of respect and good manners.”

She meditates: “With one minute [of free time], I’ll daydream or meditate. I love just sitting quietly meditating. With an hour free, it depends. I love getting down on the floor and playing with my kids. I read an article that says it’s so important to actually get down on their level and play with them for an hour a day. So I do that, and I love that. It brings back the child in me.”

Her relationship with the internet, technology: “I have four children, so to stay in touch with them is very important. I’m definitely engaged in it but I don’t let it rule my life. My husband and I never text each other. We never do. Once in a blue moon, we’ll text. But mainly we say, ‘I want to hear your voice.’ That’s very unusual but we’ve been together for 10 years. We started like that and we haven’t changed it. We don’t email each other either. So it’s about trying to keep it as intimate and personal as possible.”

[From DuJour Magazine]

Oh, I didn’t know that women used to be discouraged from wearing watches!! That’s so weird. That makes me want to wear a watch, although I haven’t worn one in years. I honestly hate watches (for me, I don’t care if anyone else wears one). I’m on the computer for hours and I hate having anything on my wrist, honestly. As for her comments about technology and texting… I’m not much of a texter, which makes me an old fart, I’m sure. So I understand what she’s saying about it just being easier to call Keith rather than text or email him. I also like that she says that she has four kids… because sometimes it seems like she forgets about Connor and Isabella (although to be fair, Connor and Isabella were brainwashed into believing Nicole was and is a suppressive person).


Photos courtesy of WENN.