— Prince3EG (@Prince3EG) February 11, 2016

People love Prince. I love Prince. Prince is always fabulous. Did you know that Prince is on Twitter? He is. This is his Twitter. He posts wonderful and weird tweets, thoughts, promotional stuff, fan art, photos, and much more. And he also posts official passport photos, like the one above. Prince needed a new passport photo and THIS is how it turned out. What else would you expect? Perfect eyeliner, perfect lip-glossed pout, perfect brows, perfect lashes, perfect afro, PERFECT PRINCE. We should all be so #flawless for our passport photos.

I actually have this thing where, whenever I’m being photographed for something official, like a driver’s license or passport or an ID card, my resting bitchface morphs into “I’m going to kill you” face. Seriously, my driver’s license photo looks like I’ve just murdered everyone at the DMV. My passport photo looks like I just slapped my way to the front of the line.

— Prince3EG (@Prince3EG) February 17, 2016

Photos courtesy of Twitter.