Deadpool has already opened in some overseas markets, and it’s already raking in the cash. Ryan Reynolds really needs this to be a hit, and all of the box office professionals believe that it will have a huge opening weekend domestically and abroad. So… good for him. The huge media campaign was a success. Ryan has blanketing the media this week for a final push, and he’s dropped some pretty interesting pieces of news, mostly personal stuff about his relationship with Blake Lively and their family. Some assorted quotes:
How he fell for Blake: “About a year after Green Lantern had come and gone and we were both single we went on a double date – she was on a date with another guy and I was on a date with another girl – and it was like the most awkward date for the respective parties because we were just like fireworks coming across…We were buddies for a long time, which I think is the best way to have a relationship, to start as friends.”
He wants more daughters: “If I could have nine daughters, I would be thrilled. Really, like I genuinely would be. My brothers and I, there’s four of us, we would destroy the house. I was 8 and I could patch and drywall at 8. We could actually repair an entire hole in the wall in our house within 15 minutes. That’s part of the reason I don’t want boys, because I don’t want a wiffle house. I just want the house to be normal.”
He’s not a decorator like Blake: “For me, however, to do that sort of thing is like entering the seventh circle of hell. I would sooner drill a hole into the top of my head and pour molten aluminum into it, because it is so infuriating to me. I’m a fan of seeing it come together in a brilliant episode of Fixer Upper, sure, but that’s because I know in one hour, everything will be done and be perfect.”
[From People Magazine]
I love Fixer Upper too! That couple, Chip and Joanna Gaines, are really nice and I love the way Joanna decorates. As for his “double date” with Blake… some people think that, because of the timeline, Blake was with Leonardo DiCaprio and that was the double date. Blake and Leo versus Ryan and his date, and Ryan and Blake sparked and then her thing with Leo was over. That whole drama did happen pretty fast – one month she was with Leo, then the next month Blake and Ryan were taking romantic getaways to Charleston. While Leo might seem like the only real option, does anyone else believe that Leo probably wouldn’t have been down with a double-date situation with Ryan Reynolds? Leo doesn’t seem like that guy.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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