
A photo posted by Cat white (@littleirishcat) on Aug 9, 2015 at 10:02pm PDT

On Monday, Jim Carrey’s ex-girlfriend Cathriona White committed suicide. We covered the extremely sad story on Wednesday. There’s been a lot of coverage of Carrey’s devastation, and White’s family has issued statements as well. According to People Magazine, Cathriona’s sister Lisa went to Jim Carrey’s Brentwood home yesterday and they spent about an hour together. The family plans on bringing Cathriona home to Ireland for the funeral.

For most of Thursday, one of the top stories on the Daily Mail was “EXCLUSIVE: Jim Carrey’s tragic ex was a Scientologist and was taking an intensive ‘survival’ course at the religion’s celebrity center.” The Daily Mail uses Tony Ortega as a source, claiming that Cathriona had been involved with Scientology for four to five years, since before she met Jim Carrey. She got involved with CoS, allegedly, when she started hanging out with the people around Beck. Ortega claims that Carrey knew that Cathriona was a Scientologist, which Ortega says is weird because Carrey has said critical things about CoS in the past.

Anyway, even though Ortega was being very conservative in his discussion about Cathriona’s involvement within CoS, the larger stories attaching this poor woman to CoS seems to have disturbed the higher-ups in Scientology. So they issued a statement:

The Church of Scientology is firing back at accusations it had anything to do with Jim Carrey’s girlfriend killing herself — saying no one blames the Bible when a Christian commits suicide. Cathriona White was reportedly very active in the Church of Scientology … taking part in a program called the “Purification Rundown” — a controversial drug and alcohol detox program combining exercise, medication, and sauna sessions.

But a Scientology spokeswoman tells TMZ any reports connecting White’s death to the church are a “sad and reprehensible” way to exploit the tragedy of her death. She also calls it “outright bigotry” because it’s “like saying a person who previously studied the Bible committed suicide.”

Law enforcement sources tell us investigators will question church officials about Cathriona’s involvement in the detox — but at this point they strongly believe her death had nothing to do with Scientology.

[From TMZ]

As many of you know, whenever CoS is questioned about anything, they play the “bigotry” and “persecution” cards. They have bigger martyr complexes than evangelical Christians, and they think that’s a clever way of shutting down questions about their practices. While I’m glad that the LAPD will be speaking to some people in CoS, I really don’t expect anything to come of it. I mean, the LAPD didn’t do much about the still-missing Shelly Miscavige, you know?

Photos courtesy of Cathriona’s Instagram, Fame/Flynet, WENN.