
@ZacEfron ???? ilysm? pic.twitter.com/dm05MEIa2q

— Simone Biles (@Simone_Biles) December 25, 2014

Attention Zac Efron – Boy, you in danger! We discussed the other day how Ellen DeGeneres exposing Simone Biles’ crush on Zac led to them Twitter-flirting (Flirtwitting? Twirting?):

@ZacEfron Thanks Zac! I hope you can watch Team Final tomorrow night.

— Simone Biles (@Simone_Biles) August 9, 2016

Kaiser linked the story Wednesday about Zac making his way to Rio seemingly just to congratulate Simone and the US Women’s Gymnastic Team:


A photo posted by Simone Biles (@simonebiles) on Aug 16, 2016 at 2:54pm PDT

Although sh-t like this is doing nothing to diminish my crush on Zac, one person isn’t giving him Heart Eyes currently – Simone’s other pretend boyfriend Arthur Nory Mariano. Mariano is a Brazilian gymnast who just won the bronze medal for his floor routine in Rio. Simone and Mariano met at the World Championships in 2013 and speak frequently through text and social media. They communicate so often, Simone calls him her “Brazilian boyfriend.“ So when he saw Zac moving in on his girl, Mariano responded with this:

Hey @zacefron I saw her first… She is my girl ????? Proud of you Simone! You are phenomal in whole world and special. You made history. Love u “sai daqui ZéKi Éfrom, ta pensando que eu sou bobo é? Desde 2013 estou com ela.. Ela minha garota. Sou da lapa e lá nois breca talaricas. ?” #love ?? Repost from @simonebiles @TopRankRepost #TopRankRepost ?? @arthurnory

A photo posted by Arthur Nory (@arthurnory) on Aug 17, 2016 at 11:47am PDT

The Portuguese portion roughly says, “Get out of here, Zac Efron! Are you thinking I’m some kind of fool? I’ve been with her since 2013. She’s my girl…We have a brick bond!”

Oh snap – two hunks pretend-duking it out for the right to call themselves Simone’s pretend boyfriend? This all makes me so very happy! I do have a way to settle this matter, though – US Weekly reported that Simone is Dancing with the Stars number one choice to compete on Season 23. Instead of the usual roster of a dozen pairings, just have all the people competing for Simone’s hand have a giant dance off. The final contestant gets to be Simone’s pretend boyfriend. Oh who are we kidding, Simone could handle all the pretend boyfriends she wants. I am practically glued to Zac’s social media to see his next move – and I swear it has nothing to do with how his arms look in pictures like this.

Congrats BABE! You are doing an amazing job here at the Olympics. The crowd and all Brazilians (including me) love YOU! ? #Queen #fenomeno #Idol #Start #crush

A photo posted by Arthur Nory (@arthurnory) on Aug 15, 2016 at 1:47pm PDT

Photo credit: Getty Images, Instagram, Twitter and WENN Photos
