
In case you don’t know, this ^^ is Tim Cook, the current CEO of Apple. Cook took over as acting CEO after Steve Jobs took a medical leave, then he was made true-blue CEO after Jobs’ passing in 2011. By most accounts, Cook is a mild-mannered guy, the polar opposite to Jobs’ mercurial task-master. Cook appeared on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert a few weeks ago and Colbert asked him about the new Steve Jobs bio-pic, the one written by Aaron Sorkin and starring Michael Fassbender. Cook said that he hadn’t seen any of the Jobs bio-pics (a reference to the Ashton Kutcher one), but that he (Cook) felt like the bio-pics were about “a lot of people are trying to be opportunistic… I hate this. It’s not a great part of our world.”

So, Steve Jobs is coming out soon and late last week, Aaron Sorkin started the press junket. Sorkin is not a mild-mannered guy. This Steve Jobs film has probably cost him a lot, especially when his emails went public in the Sony Hack and the world discovered that A) Sorkin had no idea who Michael Fassbender was and B) Sorkin believes actors work harder and are more award-worthy than actresses. So, Sorkin was asked about Cook’s comments and OMG BOY DRAMA:

“Nobody did this movie to get rich,” Sorkin said. “Secondly, Tim Cook should really see the movie before he decides what it is. Third, if you’ve got a factory full of children in China assembling phones for 17 cents an hour you’ve got a lot of nerve calling someone else opportunistic.”

[From THR]

Whoa. Sorkin went there. And I’m trying to decide if this is actually on-point. I mean, yes, Sorkin threw it down and went ahead and burned that MAJOR bridge. But… does he get points for actually saying something truthful? Apple does use Chinese labor and in the past year, Apple has been heavily criticized by watchdog groups over their use of child labor, unsafe factories, and yes, sweatshops. Apple’s response has always been that these are problems with a sub-contractor and that Apple is not running these sweatshops.

In any case, E! News spoke to Sorkin after his comments to THR and he offered an apology: “You know what, I think that Tim Cook and I probably both went a little too far. And I apologize to Tim Cook. I hope when he sees the movie, he enjoys it as much as I enjoy his products.” Hm… did someone make Sorkin apologize or did he just come to the decision on his own?

Photos courtesy of WENN.