swift nme

Taylor Swift covers the new issue of NME. What did they do to her eyes? Is this just a weird eyeshadow situation or did they Photoshop her eyes? Hm. Anyway, Taylor is in the middle of her 1989 world tour. The tour has been incredibly successful, just as her previous tours have been incredibly successful. She really does make crazy money these days, from actual music sales, from touring and from endorsements. So would it surprise you to learn that Taylor is actually thinking about taking a “break” for a few years after her tour is done? Some highlights from NME:

When her tour is done in December: “I think I should take some time off. People might need a break from me. I’m going to hang out with friends. Write new music. Maybe not write new music. I don’t know.”

Everyone waiting for her to mess up: “If you let your anxiety get the better of you, like everybody’s waiting for you to really mess up, then you’ll be done. A lot of the time I call my mom and talk for a really long time, just to remind myself of all the things that are great and that matter.”

On the Nicki Minaj drama: “I don’t want to talk about it. But I send text messages now. If there seems to be some kind of misunderstanding, I go to someone’s management, I get their number and I text them. It’s an important lesson for anyone to learn in 2015.”

Finally burying the hatchet with Kanye West: “Me and Kanye are on such good terms now, six years later. It took a while… But I had to tell Beck this story earlier. I was at dinner with Kanye a week after the Grammys, he stops what he’s saying and he goes, ‘What is this song? I need to listen to this every day.’ I said, ‘It’s Beck, it’s on an album called ‘Morning Phase’, I think you’ve heard of it…’ We just burst out laughing. And he says, ‘Hey, sometimes I’m wrong.’”

[From NME]

“People might need a break from me.” I see her point. While I could totally see her “taking time off” after her tour – and she should, she’s had a wild couple of years – I just don’t see her really disappearing from the spotlight. I mean, she would probably still be in New York, getting pap’d regularly and of course there’s interest in her relationship with Calvin Harris. So even though we need a break from her, I doubt we’ll get it.

Speaking of people wanting Swifty to mess up, she stepped out in NYC last night and everyone’s talking about her terrible makeup. I’m not sure if this is a blending issue or if this is an issue with that hi-def makeup that so many women seem to have problems with.

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