We haven’t talked about Tom Hardy since his douche-baby antics came to light just before Christmas. HitFix’s Drew McWeeny sent out a series of tweets about Hardy’s crappy attitude during the junket for The Revenant, then Tom sent a douchetastic open letter to McWeeny, then McWeeny responded by detailing the many, many times Tom has been a total a—hole to journalists, coworkers and studio employees. It was a mess and it really lowered my opinion of Tom. Even though that all went down in prime Oscar-nomination-voting time, Tom still walked away with a surprise Oscar nomination for The Revenant. Because the Academy wanted to reward him and because most Academy members loathe journalists too, I would assume.
Last night, Tom attended the UK premiere of The Revenant. It came just hours after his nomination was announced, and after The Revenant swept up twelve overall nominations. Plus, Mad Max: Fury Road picked up 10 nominations. All in all, a good day to be Tom Hardy. And if all of the douche-baby stuff didn’t go down before Christmas, I would be really into these photos. He is a beautiful man, truly. But I guess I’m just not feeling it anymore. I was also reading this recent interview Tom did with news.com.au wherein Tom butches it up and talks endlessly about how tough he is. I wasn’t feeling that either. At one time, I would have swooned, but now those quotes just seem cheesy and braggy.
I’m also including some photos of Domhnall Gleeson, also from the London premiere. I love this ginger man and his glorious ginger beard. MOAR DOMHNALL.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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