
You know what I just noticed? Tom Hiddleston’s orange makeup problem got a lot better during his promotional tours for the past month. There were a few moments where he was the same old Orange Hiddles, but someone must have told him to either use a paler shade of makeup or to simply go without, because he has been looking better. Anyway, I know some of you are tired of the Hiddles stories. Just know that Tom is headed off to film Kong: Skull Island this weekend and we probably won’t have any new candid photos of him for months and months. Tom spoke to Variety about Skull Island and what they’re going to do to bring back Kong.

“Kong: Skull Island,” an origin story about cinema’s most famous ape, will offer a fresh take on a familiar tale, star Tom Hiddleston promised. For one thing, the original King Kong film’s period setting has been scrapped.

“It’s not set in the ’30s,” said Hiddleston at Wednesday’s premiere of “Crimson Peak.” “There’s no movie director with a map. There’s no out-of-work actress down on her luck. All of that stuff is respected, we’re just trying to do something new with the myth because Kong is an icon of movies. I think he’s someone people want to see again.”

He is particularly impressed by director Jordan Vogt-Roberts’ (“Kings of Summer”) vision for the picture, saying he has “come up with the most incredible, deeply imaginative context for [King Kong] to exist in.”

“Kong: Skull Island” co-stars Brie Larson and Samuel L. Jackson. It hits theaters in 2017. The hope is that this film will lead into a monster mashup, with a “Godzilla vs King Kong” movie due in 2020. Hiddleston didn’t spill about whether or not the film would unfold in the 1970s as some news outlets have reported, but he did say he was flying to the set on Sunday to begin shooting.

“I’m excited to play an adventurer and a heroic protagonist,” said Hiddleston. “I’ve been excavating some dark material and it’s time to lighten up a bit.”

[From Variety]

See… he’s flying out on Sunday. And this will probably be an epic jungle shoot too, like the second coming of Apocalypse Now. We won’t be seeing him for months! So enjoy this, Dragonflies. The Hiddlesdrought 2.0 will be upon us.

Meanwhile, Tom was confirmed this week for Thor: Ragnarok. He’s been saying in all of his interviews that he hasn’t spoken to anyone at Marvel for two years, but it seems like his agent has spoken to someone at Marvel. Tom is coming back as Loki, and it seems that Mark Ruffalo will be doing his Hulk thing for Ragnarok too.


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN.