Here are some new photos of your boyfriend Tom Hiddleston, plus Mia Wasikowska and Guillermo Del Toro. I know he’s married, but I would imagine that Guillermo is a fun boyfriend too. I imagine dating him involves a lot of all-you-can-eat buffets and scary movies. What’s Tom Hiddleston like as a boyfriend? Lots of sonnet-performances and running, probably. Anyway, these are photos from the Paris premiere of Crimson Peak. Tommy’s beauty took a minor hit because – I’m almost positive – someone convinced him to wear makeup for the premiere. And it was a mistake. Whoever does his makeup needs to step away from the orange.
Meanwhile, did you know that Tom is especially close to his mother and sisters? So much so that when he’s looking for a girlfriend/wife, he’s looking for someone who reminds him of his mum. Is this creepy? Like, the headlines are creepy (“Tom Hiddleston wants a girlfriend to remind him of his mother”), but his actual words aren’t that bad.
The 34-year-old actor – who has been romantically linked with his ‘I Saw the Light’ co-star Elizabeth Olsen – feels comfortable around ”independent and capable” females, and is also attracted to ”decent and kind” girls, just like his dear mum Diana Patricia.
Asked what he looks for in a woman, he said: ”I like strong women. My mothers and sisters are very strong women, immensely independent and very capable and that’s what I feel comfortable with. My mother places a huge importance on decency and kindness and always has – and the older I get the more I realise how rare that is.”
The ‘Crimson Peak’ star enjoys living in London because his profession seems ”exotic”.
He explained to HELLO! magazine: ”I live in north west London near quite a lot of actors, like Damian Lewis and his wife Helen McCrory, who is a good friend, and occasionally I see Helena Bonham Carter – they’re all charming, lovely people. London has always been my home, it’s where I was born, it’s where my friends are and my family. I also like it because it’s still a little bit exotic to be an actor in London, whereas being an actor in Los Angeles is the norm.”
[From TV3]
It’s what I’ve been saying for a while – Tom doesn’t go for ladies with an “edge” or vamps or ballbusters or party girls. He goes for Nice Girls. Girls-Next-Door. “Wife Material.” That’s his type. I personally don’t think it’s contradictory for Tom to say that he’s a feminist who likes women who are independent, capable and strong AND women who are “nice” and decent and kind. He’s not looking for the unicorn, you know? There are a lot of strong, independent women who are also decent and kind. (Except that a ballbuster would probably tell him to his face that his makeup is too dark.)
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
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