What do we know for sure about Taylor Swift? That she’s a Snake Emoji obsessed with getting the “last word” on her relationships. So while the Tiddlesplit aftermath has been mixed, both good and bad for Taylor, you can bet your bolt-ons that this week is nowhere near the last word. Taylor is keeping a Sh-t List and that mother is LONG. So many blind item songs. It’s going to be epic. But what’s interesting is that Tom Hiddleston is the second ex-boyfriend in a row, after Calvin Harris, who isn’t going away in a sulk and letting Tay-Tay dictate the narrative. Tom has a hardworking publicist named Luke Windsor, and Windsor’s name was invoked in Ephraim Hardcastle’s latest column:
After parting from his so-called girlfriend Taylor Swift, 26, Etonian actor Tom Hiddleston, 35, has also fallen behind rival thespians vying for the role of James Bond. Bookies have reduced Hiddleston’s prospects of succeeding the current 007, Daniel Craig, after Craig was reportedly offered more than £100million to do two more films. Might the Hiddleston-Swift romance be the creation of public relations types? I am advised that Tom can still rely on the support of Luke Windsor, 32, described to me as his ‘friend, publicist and nanny’.
[From The Daily Mail]
The idea that Tom’s publicist is a nanny figure for him does not surprise me in the least. Tom is his own worst enemy from what I’ve seen, and he desperately needs someone around him at all times saying, “stop being so extra” and “don’t dance” and “don’t recite sonnets to swans” and “don’t get involved with Taylor Swift, it will blow up in your face.” But Luke Windsor has earned his paycheck this week, because there is a lot of pushback on the Team Swift-driven narrative, and of course Team Swift is pushing back on Team Draganfly’s pushback. Some highlights:
Gossip Cop finally denies the proposal story. Us Weekly had been saying for a month that Tom was thinking about proposing, and that story was brought up again in Us Weekly’s breakup-cover story this week. The idea was that just a few weeks ago, a wedding and Tiddlebabies were on the table and what went wrong? But Gossip Cop spoke to “a source close to the actor” who insisted that Tom “had no desire to get engaged so soon. We’re told the publication’s assertion about Hiddleston ring shopping and wanting to rush to the altar is simply ‘trash.’”
Tom is a gym-rat? The Sun claimed when Tom visited Taylor in Rhode Island the last time (three weeks ago) that the trip “turned sour due to his obsessive fitness regime.”
Taylor doesn’t care about Tom’s PR. This is sort of a funny “shots fired!” internal-tabloid moment. An unnamed “pal” of Taylor’s told The Sun: “Taylor knows what went on with Tom and won’t be affected by his team’s claims. It’s all water under the bridge as she’s concerned.” Oh, Snake Emoji is salty when the PR war is fought on her level, right?
E! News says Taylor is fine. An “insider” tells E! that “She is doing OK. Tom and her at times were on two different pages. It was a very emotion-filled time [they] spent together. It was a very fast and heavy relationship.” Allegedly, they “ended on amicable terms and even communicated with one another this week.” They decided to be “friends.” Sure.
Last thing: Tom can pap stroll too, Snake Emoji!
Think Taylor Swift’s GNO signals she’s moved on? We raise you smiling Tom Hiddleston. https://t.co/ZQVnSqZAkF pic.twitter.com/4SOjkW46N5
— E! News (@enews) September 8, 2016
Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News, Fame/Flynet.
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