There have have been rumors for years that Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith were having problems in their marriage of now 19 years. We heard back in late 2011/early 2012 that they were on the verge of a split and then stories came up again last summer that they were just about to divorce, which they denied. Both Will and Jada have admitted that their marriage is work and that they’ve gone through rough patches, but they also express a lot of admiration for each other and say they’re in it for the long haul. I don’t think either has said that they’re in couples therapy though until now. Will did an interview with The Sun where he admitted that he went through therapy with Jada and said that it was difficult but that they’re on the other side now.
Will has told how the couple sought therapy after their marriage reached breaking point. He said: “I’ve done a lot of marriage counselling.
“What happens in a marriage once you do counselling, the truth comes out.
“And you sit across from your wife and you’ve said all of your truth and she has said all of her truth. You look at each other and you can’t imagine you could ever possibly love each other again now the truth is out.
“It creates a dark moment. But for me it’s the dark before the dawn. When the truth comes out and people have to say who they are and what they think, you get to know who they are.
“I think that’s the cleansing before you get to the other side that is understanding and moving forward in our relationship.”
[From The Sun]
This clears up a couple of things for me. One is that whatever dalliance Will and Jada had with Scientology is over now because Scientology is dead set against psychotherapy you don’t pay them for. Will not only going to therapy but admitting to it is an indication of that. (As background if you’re not familiar, Will and Jada had a now-closed private school based on Scientology teaching principles and run by primarily Scientology teachers. They donated money to Scientology organizations and while they denied being Scientologists they’ve expressed many personal philosophies consistent with the cult’s teachings, including seeing their children as adults in little bodies. They’ve since stepped back from that somewhat. Plus After Earth was said to be based on Scientology lore.) The other is that they did have problems like a lot of couples, the tabloids were right, and they put in the work to stay together. There’s something admirable about the fact that they’re admitting to that. While I don’t always agree with the things they say, they’re open and don’t b.s. the press and I appreciate that.
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