
Zayn Malik is certainly going all-out with his press these days. Immediately following his headline-generating Billboard interview last week, Zayn covers the new issue of L’Uomo Vogue. The style of this editorial is much different – it’s high-fashion, yet Teen Beat-y, especially given the fact that Zayn is posing shirtless. Oh, Zayn. I don’t get it, but then sometimes I do. I think if I was 13 years old, I would be into this. Beyond that… nope. As for the interview, Zayn mostly talks about how his former bandmates ghosted him and how hurt he was/is.

On leaving One Direction: “The truth is I haven’t spoken to any of the boys at all really, I spoke to Liam a bit and that’s just the way it is. I did try to reach out to a couple of people and they didn’t get back to me, but then publicly, when they were asked questions about it, said that they’d spoken to me and that we were friends. But that’s not the case, I tried to reach out and be their friend but they haven’t even replied to any of my calls or texts.”

On his solo career: “I just want this album to be about me and me standing on my own two feet. I’ve sung with four other voices for over four years now so I want to hear myself, alone for once.”

Why he left: “Now that I can really be myself and make music that feels honest to me, it doesn’t feel like work. It really is relaxing to me. When I decided to leave, it wasn’t a big build up, it had always been underlying. I never felt like I belonged in the group, I was just doing it because at the time, I felt like it was the right place for me to be.”

[From The Daily Mail]

Again, if I was 13 years old, I would be living and breathing this boy drama. But as an adult woman, I have to wonder… why is he positioning himself like this? It was clear that Zayn was totally over One Direction when he quit, and then he acted like a little brat for months afterwards. Now he’s trying to play it like he’s the victim somehow, that those guys ghosted him. While that might have happened, he was the one to quit. So start over. Make music. Be successful in your own right without having to discuss 1D over and over in interviews.

Zayn Malik @zayn. One of the cover stars of the January 2016 issue of #luomovogue. Photo by @ellenvonunwerth, styled by @rushkabergman, #zaynmalik wearing @dior #diorhomme by @kris_van_assche

A photo posted by L’Uomo Vogue (@luomovogue) on Jan 11, 2016 at 11:19pm PST

Zayn Malik @zayn. One of the cover stars of the January 2016 issue of #luomovogue. Photo by @ellenvonunwerth, styled by @rushkabergman, #zaynmalik More to come…

A photo posted by L’Uomo Vogue (@luomovogue) on Jan 11, 2016 at 12:21pm PST

Photos courtesy of L’Uomo Vogue.