bendy EW

First: Benedict Cumberbatch is on the cover of this week’s Entertainment Weekly. It’s a preview of Doctor Strange, obviously, which comes out the weekend before Election Day here in the US. Will people actually leave their homes to see Benedict Strange perform magic tricks, or will we all be glued to our TVs in the final stretch of what is likely the worst, most depressing, most offensive campaign in modern American politics? I don’t know. I suspect that the true-blue Marvel fan-boys and fan-girls will see the film on opening weekend. Everybody else? They might wait a few weeks.

What does EW say? Not much right now. They released one quote from Bendy: “It’s a peculiar one — Strange by name, strange by name.” As in, prepare yourselves for a really weird story. Rachel McAdams is probably going to turn into Night Nurse, which I’m sure means something. Benedict also recently said that he thought he was going to have to turn down Marvel’s offer to play Strange because of his schedule, but Kevin Feige was so hellbent on having Cumberbatch that they completely changed the production schedule to make it work for Bendy.

Benedict and Tilda Swinton were also in Hong Kong earlier today for their first promotional stop for the film. Benedict has gotten a rather drastic haircut and I HATE IT. I’m not saying he should always have his Cumbercurls flowing in the breeze, but his face doesn’t really work with short hair. You can see some additional photos here of Benedict and Tilda Swinton. Just one thing: I really need the Daily Mail to stop referring to any Asian country or city as “the Orient.” We’re not living in an Agatha Christie novel. There’s no need.

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