World Premiere of 'Avengers: Endgame'

Chris Evans had some thoughts on his city’s proposed Straight Pride Parade. [Just Jared]
Snowflakes want to throw a Straight Pride Parade & people had some thoughts. [Pajiba]
Kyle Chandler looks fantastic on Men’s Journal. [Go Fug Yourself]
Gina Gershon will star in Woody Allen’s next movie, gross. [Dlisted]
We finally got to hear Beyonce-as-Nala in the latest trailer for The Lion King. Also, Nala is wearing eye makeup, yes? [LaineyGossip]
Vanity Fair has the tea on Donald Trump’s divorce from Marla Maples. [Jezebel]
A little girl saw drag queens for the first time & her reaction is amazing. [Towleroad]
Smash Mouth isn’t here for the Straight Pride Parade either. [OMG Blog]
Paris Jackson is not here for pot-shaming. [The Blemish]

Wow! Cool initiative, fellas!! Just a thought, instead of ‘Straight Pride’ parade, how about this: The ‘desperately trying to bury our own gay thoughts by being homophobic because no one taught us how to access our emotions as children’ parade? Whatta ya think? Too on the nose??

— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) June 5, 2019

Wow, the number gay/straight pride parade false equivalencies are disappointing. For those who don’t understand the difference, see below. Instead of going immediately to anger(which is actually just fear of what you don’t understand)take a moment to search for empathy and growth

— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) June 5, 2019