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Well, it had to happen, right? At this point, we know no relationship is safe in 2016 and according to the National Enquirer, it claimed another one – Lawmer: Amy Schumer and Jennifer Lawrence’s galmance (that’s the counter to bromance, right?) They splashed onto the scene last year with a fast and furious friendship involving jet-skiing vacations, piano-dancing and sleepovers. For all intents and purposes, they were incredibly well suited for each other, both loving the outrageous reputation the press gave them and their inability to not talk about bodily functions. But the sun has set on Lawmer and it was a joke that killed them. The Enquirer says J.Law is livid with Amy for sharing with Lena Dunham’s Lenny a text that Jen sent her. Amy was speaking of the tragic shooting in the Louisiana movie theater during Amy’s film Trainwreck and referred to a text from Jen that read, “It’s Your Fault.”

J.Law is pissed at [Amy] for blabbing in… Lena Dunham’s online newsletter, Lenny Letter, a source told All The Buzz.

Amy told Lenny Letter readers about the insensitive text J.Law sent her following last year’s Louisiana movie theater shootings, in which two women were killed at a screening of “Trainwreck.”

Jennifer joked, “It’s your fault” – and now she’s livid at Amy for talking about it and making her look heartless!

“This has put the nail in the coffin on that friendship,” dished a snitch.

[From The National Enquirer, print edition, October 17, 2016]

To give a little context, in the Lenny newsletter, Amy was praising Jennifer for breaking her tension with a joke. Her comment was, “You know, that is actually when I felt the closest to Jennifer Lawrence, because that day she texted me, “It’s your fault.” And in times like that only jokes make you feel a little better.” Lena agreed that that was, “the greatest worst thing I ever heard.” For all the things that I can fault Amy for, her reaction to that shooting is not one of them. I know it deeply affected her. So I get that she is just speaking her truth about her experience. But I can also see why Jen would be angry. I love dark humor and use it generously – in private. You have to know your audience before you say something that dark. Whereas Amy was the perfect person to text that to, the numerous people reading Lenny weren’t and it does really make Jennifer look insensitive.

So is this it? Is this the end of the Raunchy Blondes Club? I doubt it. I think their schedules and relationships are the reason we haven’t seen them together. Time will heal this too. If not, Amy can always send Jen a roomful of balloons, that should work. Regarding the last bit about the “snitch” confirming The End – does the “snitch” not recognize that running to major outlets with private information does not sit well with Jen?


Photo credit: WENN Photos and Getty Images
