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I’ve gotten so used to these Celebitchy Daily Briefings that I feel like my work-day isn’t complete if I don’t chat, however briefly, about some of the big political stories of the day. Even though gossip seems to be picking up, let’s be real: the current political stories are so much more fascinating and crazy. So, let’s get to it.

The Susan Rice stuff. Woe is Susan Rice. I actually feel sorry for her. She was President Obama’s National Security Adviser and during the Obama years, the Republicans tried their best to make her sound like an incompetent lunatic. When really, she’s just a dry intellectual who is sort of bad at giving interviews. Well, the GOP thinks Susan Rice is the key to understanding everything about the unfair investigation into Emperor Bigly. Keep in mind, most Republican legislators only give a sh-t about finding out who is leaking damaging information about Trump and Trump’s people, they don’t actually care about Bigly’s illegal activities. So now they’re saying that Rice had access to classified material as NSA, and something something she’s probably the leaker! Rice spoke to Andrea Mitchell yesterday and she was like “WTF?” Personally, I hope Republicans haul Rice in to testify just so she can whip out all of the receipts.

Neil Gorsuch’s plagiarism. Bigly’s SCOTUS nominee was very careless about attribution when he wrote a book in 2006. He Melania’d the crap out of several other authors’ works. Ha.

The New Trumpcare. While Obamacare is more popular than ever before, Bigly just can’t admit his own failure, so he and his people are trying to jumpstart the health care debate again, and this time their proposal will probably be even worse.

Reimagining a Hillary Clinton Administration. NY Magazine published this piece: “Before This Is Over, Republicans Are Going to Wish Hillary Clinton Won.” I thought that immediately after the election. The Republicans haven’t had to own their own failures this hard since George W. Bush was in office.

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