President Trump Speaks

These three things have happened in the past week:

1. The MAGA Bomber sent at least 13 pipe bombs to prominent Democrats, former members of Obama administration and media outlets. The bomber was identified as Cesar Sayoc, a Florida resident who drove around Miami in a white van which was covered in pro-Trump MAGA stickers and photos, and photos of prominent Democrats in “crosshairs.” Sayoc was known for threatening Democrats online and for rambling about all of his Deplorable thoughts to anyone and everyone.

2. A white man named Gregory Bush shot and killed two African-Americans at a Kroger supermarket outside of Louisville, Kentucky. He encountered a white couple in the middle of his terrorist assault and he said “whites don’t kill whites.” Before he killed those two people, he tried to break into an African-American church (but the doors were locked).

3. A white man named Robert Bowers took an AR-15 into Tree of Life Congregation synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on Saturday morning. There were Shabbat morning services and a bris happening at the temple. Bowers killed 11 people, and wounded six, four of them police officers who exchanged gunfire with Bowers after he barricaded himself in the synagogue. It’s being called the worst mass killing of Jewish people on American soil. Much like Cesar Sayoc, Bowers had a long history of hate speech and online activity of harassment and anti-Semitism.

That’s just in the past week. This past week has also included Donald Trump repeatedly talking about “globalists,” which is just a thinly veiled reference to Jewish people. He’s also mocked the idea of “Bomb stuff” and suggested that it was all a conspiracy against Republicans.

Republicans are doing so well in early voting, and at the polls, and now this “Bomb” stuff happens and the momentum greatly slows – news not talking politics. Very unfortunate, what is going on. Republicans, go out and vote!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 26, 2018

In addition to that, he has partnered with Fox News to convince his MAGA supporters that the real enemy is… a caravan of migrants slowly traveling through Mexico. Or perhaps the real enemy is Muslim people? Or the Democrats? Or the media? Who can even keep track? Oh, that’s right – the MAGA Deplorables keep track of all it. They have a list, and they listen very carefully to Trump’s dog whistles and hate speech. We have to say this: the president of the United States is radicalizing terrorists. He is actively provoking them.

Oh, and he just happens to be incapable of human empathy, much like any garden variety psychopath. Shortly after Robert Bowers surrendered, Donald Trump blamed the victims and said that the synagogue should have had better security:

Trump says the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting has “little” to do with gun laws: “If they had protection inside, the results would have been far better.” (via CBS)

— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) October 27, 2018

Then he complained about how his hair got wet because he had to speak to media outlets after a terrorist he radicalized and empowered murdered multiple people inside a house of worship.

Here’s the video. Trump jokes that he considered canceling his speech to FFA because his hair got wet while talking to reporters (about the mass shooting in Pittsburgh).

— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) October 27, 2018

And he won’t shut up about “globalists” either, not even after an armed anti-Semite shot up a synagogue.

Just moments after Trump calls for unity at a WH event, he references “globalists,” prompting several audience members shout “Soros” — who was a target of one of the bombs — and others shout “lock him up” to which Trump chuckles, points and repeats “lock him up”

— Robert Maguire (@RobertMaguire_) October 26, 2018

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.
United States President Donald J. Trump departs The White House in Washington, DC, headed to West Virginia to attend political events
President Trump Speaks
United States President Donald J. Trump participates in a briefing on Hurricane Florence at The White House