Trump meets with US Tech Workers and signs an Executive Order on Hiring American

Tomorrow will mark the two-week anniversary of the election being called for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Two weeks ago today, we already knew the trend lines and a majority of the votes had been counted in all the swing states, so it was completely clear that Biden-Harris had won the election even when we were talking on Thursday, November 5th and Friday, November 6th. Still, we were good and we waited for everything to become official and all of Steve Kornackis and John Kings to really say it. And it was such a relief!

Everything that’s happened around the Republican Party since then has been an absolute ratf–king catastrophe. Donald Trump, arguably the dumbest man on earth, has been committing election fraud in plain view, all while he hides away, Grey Gardens-style, in the White House bunker. He rage-tweets delusional sh-t all day and everything just feels like the biggest, weakest crybaby loser tantrum of all time. Masculine, Trump is not. But none of this would be happening if the Republican Party hadn’t allowed it for the past two weeks. They said nothing as he barked delusions on Election Night. Mitch McConnell laughingly mocked Democrats and said it was Trump’s right to try to sue and fraud his way into a second term. And now here we are.

Rudy Giuliani’s hair-melting press conference was apparently the last straw for a lot of people. The NY Times and Washington Post have similar analysis pieces today: “Trump’s Attempts to Overturn the Election Are Unparalleled in U.S. History” and “Trump uses power of presidency to try to overturn the election and stay in office.” It’s all true and everyone should be alarmed. Including Republicans.

Meanwhile, Trump has been telling people (from the baby bunker, one would assume) that this is all payback for Democrats… being concerned that he’s a Russian asset. Which he is.

President Donald Trump told an ally that he knows he lost, but that he is delaying the transition process and is aggressively trying to sow doubt about the election results in order to get back at Democrats for questioning the legitimacy of his own election in 2016, especially with the Russia investigation, a source familiar with the President’s thinking told CNN on Thursday.

The President’s refusal to concede, as CNN has previously reported, stems in part from his perceived grievance that Hillary Clinton and former President Barack Obama undermined his own presidency by saying Russia interfered in the 2016 election and could have impacted the outcome, people around him have said. Trump continues to hold a grudge against those who he claims undercut his election by pointing to Russian interference efforts, and he has suggested it is fair game to not recognize Joe Biden as the President-elect, even though Clinton conceded on election night in 2016 and the Trump transition was able to begin immediately.

Trump has heard from a multitude of friends and business associates who have been urging him to at least let the transition begin, even if he doesn’t want to concede, another source who is also familiar with the President’s thinking told CNN. His answer: No. You’re wrong. “Absolutely wrong,” according to one source.

When Trump has been told to get Rudy Giuliani and other members of his legal team off the case, the President has disagreed. He wants to continue the fight, and people close to the President have even expressed concern that he is buying into Giuliani’s false claims that his legal efforts can change the election’s outcome. He has shown no signs of backing down, even as those around him continue indicating that the end is near. Those allies have expressed worry that a sizable faction of the country thinks the election was stolen from Trump and that Biden isn’t receiving national security briefings.

Trump is listening to his friends, this source said, but hurriedly ends conversations because he disagrees. He doesn’t want to hear what he doesn’t believe. Inside the White House, it seems as if many people have decided to let this play out, either because they want to or because they have no choice. Son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner is playing it cool, this source said, while daughter Ivanka Trump has pretty much removed herself from this, as CNN reported last week.

[From CNN]

This is terrifying. All of it. Remember when one of the Trump kids told the story about their grandfather having dementia and still wanting to go into work, so they just let him sit in the office with a stack of papers? That’s what the Republicans are doing with Donald Trump right now, only he’s doing crimes and he’s supposed to be RUNNING THE COUNTRY. He is not mentally “there” and all he does is sit around and pout and spin his delusional crap and… no one f–king stops him. Dart him, net him and drag his ass out of there.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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