
I actually had some concerns that Alec Baldwin would never appear on Saturday Night Live following the election. In the immediate wake of the election, sources did say that he wasn’t interested in continuing his Donald Trump impression, and that Lorne Michaels was probably going to have to scramble to find someone else. But Baldwin came back. And he keeps coming back. I suspect that Baldwin’s motives are something of a high-level trolling. He saw that his impression of Trump pissed off the real Trump, so Baldwin is going to keep doing it as long as it keeps pissing off Trump. Here was last night’s Trump skit, which would be funny if it wasn’t so bloody terrifying.

The mature answer from Donald Trump should have been to laugh at himself, or treat it all in good humor. The mature answer would have been to simply own it. I mean, after all, Donald Trump is the president-elect (*SCREAMS INTERNALLY*). But no. The PEOTUS is just as thin-skinned as ever.

Just tried watching Saturday Night Live – unwatchable! Totally biased, not funny and the Baldwin impersonation just can’t get any worse. Sad

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 4, 2016

As SNL’s skit showed, what’s terrifying is NOT that this is all some kind of media-driven feint to get people to talk about stupid stuff rather than the “important stuff.” Trump does this because his brain is bad. Truly. Because he really is this petty, broken, needy and thin-skinned. SAD!

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Photos courtesy of SNL, Getty.